Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Avacal November Coronet 2011....Cont

In the past couple of days more videos of the final rounds have come up.  I have most of the ones pertinent to me saved as "favorites" on my youtube channel.  Ogedei100

With the final blow struck I was shocked beyond belief that I had just won this tournament.  Wow.  What a rush.  After getting rid of my stuff and screaming my lungs out I found my knight and attempted to embrace my teacher.  No, that was not happening.  Albrecht and Vik both pick me up and give me my victory lap.  Quite a thrill.  Looking back at this moment I am reminded of words I spoke at Dragonslayer.  I now walk in the footsteps of giants.  The great warriors of our principality, of our Kingdom, of An Tir all walked these very steps and now two of our greatest have lifted me to victory.


Once that was done there was a flurry of activity.  The guys put me down infront of Ifatayho, my inspiration.  I kneeled and we hugged.  Our inspiration/fighter relationship is new, I don't think either of us thought I would win the NEXT coronet after we started.

Next was a ton of well wishers offering congratulations.  Which are all appreciated.  I am always humbled by the support this principality gives me.

I did not fight in the Squires tourney.  There was approximately 1 hour between the end of the tourney and the start of Chiv Council.  Caterina and I had talked about taking a few cars back to the hotel and then all coming back in one so some of us could drink at the event.  She left right away and I gathered up Donnan and Philomena and we left shortly after.

After a quick shower I returned and got to Chiv a little late.  I sized the Tanist circlet and we got ready for feast.

HH Toryn suggested due to the large number of royals that the Tanist and Tanista not sit at the head table and that I should sit with Caterina and company as it was the last time I would get to for awhile.  I agreed that it was indeed a good plan.

The feast was pretty good, I ate and drank my share.  And then we rolled into court.  I knew I would be in the Principality court, not the Kingdom court so I was sitting at the back chatting with Vik when Their Majesties called me and me alone forward.  I approached.  An aside:  Being a Knight is cool.  Carrying a sword you have sword to protect the kingdom with is cool.  I kneel infront of their Majesties and their herald speaks their words.

They are giving me the An Tir grant level award for A&S.  The Jambe de Lion.  Very cool.  It has been a personal goal for awhile to be recognized as an artisan of An Tir.

I return to the back after giving the scroll to Donnan to put somewhere safe. 

Court finally gets to us.  If and myself approach and Toryn and Evjya invest us as Tanist and Tanista of Avacal.  Heirs to the Gryphon thrones.

Once court was done we wrapped up at the hall, loaded back into the car and went back to the hotel.  The party on Saturday was much calmer.  We had a metting room set aside for us where we hung out and chatted most of the night.  A much more subdued and adult party.  Finally the party "ended".  Final location was Myself, Kashie, Vik, Albrecht and his nephew hanging out in their room shooting the shit.

The rest of the event was sleeping and business meetings and then a 3 hour drive home on clear roads with hurricane force winds.  Wow.

This event is easily within my top 5. 
The party on Friday.
Semi finals with 2 brothers.
Victory in the lists.
Time with family, almost everyone was there.
Good feast
recognition for A&S
The party on Saturday.


Monday, November 28, 2011

Avacal November Coronet 2011

Tuesday before coronet I took some time and got a hilt carved into a new piece of rattan.  Opted to take it to Tavern and finish it there the next day.  I ran into a slight hiccup when doing the final assebly at tavern.  I could not fit my trigger into the basket hilt with the rattan.  I opted to just use a lanyard at Coronet and not worry about it.

Didn't practice as per my plan on Thursday and just relaxed and recovered.

Arrived in town early with the man at arms.  We were about an hour ahead of the squire brother.  So we dropped our stuff off and ran to the grocery store to grab some fruit juices for mixing the evenings Stargazer. For those of you not familiar this is an alcoholic fruit punch.  A batch requires 52oz of alcohol and 4 litres of juice and sprite.

By the time we got back Shaverson was on site and Fenrik was not far behind.  And then about half hour later Caterina and crew rolled into the hotel.  We went for dinner which ended with a tonne of us ordering pizza to the restraurant lounge and drinking vodka and OJ.  By the time we got back to the room many of us were already pretty happy.  Stargazer was mixed and the we were off to the pool.

The pool party of the event consisted of a water slide, a hot tub and a general awesome time with some great people.  It was without a doubt one of the events major highlights.

The party made it back to hotel rooms and we continued to drink.  A bottle of gosling was shared as well as some Guinness.  Not really sure what time we managed to get back to the room.  Caterina went to bed at a reasonable time, smarter than most of us it seems.  Donnan and I probably got back around 2.  He tasked himself despite me telling him otherwise to go and find Caterina.  After that A few other people managed to find their way to our room.  Cassia was off looking for one of her friends.  Donnan ever helpful, but COMPLETELY trashed, was told to go to bed. 

I left the room and chatted with Cassia for awhile.  I will soon run out of fingers to count the number of times her and I close out the party.  And then DISASTER.  I got back to the room and discovered Donnan has managed to lock me out.  After much pounding on the door and waking everyone else up but him, the front desk gave me a key to 261 where I slept, sorta, from 4:00 till 9:00 or so.

E P I C night.

The Coronet Tournament broke down like this for me. 
Round 1: Fergus - Win
Round 2: Markus - Win
Round 3: Kirk - Loss
Round 4: Bye (Duke Davin and Sir Tim) - Loss
Round 5: Fenrik - Win
Round 6: Raoul - Win
Round 7: Bye - (Duke Davin and Sir Tim) - Win
Finals: Fenrik - Win

Kirk defeated me handily, his wrap caught be off guard and pegged me in the head.  I suspect I was almost out of the way, but not quite.

Round 6 was an interesting point in the tournament.  There was six fighters left, each of us with a single loss.  After round 6 3 remained.  Myself, Eric and Fenrik.  It was exceptionally cool to be the last three guys together. 

The bye had initially gone to Eric.  Both Fen and myself had recieved byes earlier.  Eric was adamant that he didn't want to bye into the finals and cited that and the fact Fenrik and I had already fought earlier.  His Highness came back and gave me the bye and Fenrick and Eric faced off for the final position.  I was happy to fight either of them, although Eric is direct family sharing the same knight.  Either way Albrecht has had a hand in shaping all three of us on and off the field.

The final rounds with Fenrik were not easy.  His defense was tight and I couldn't put a stick on him despite my best efforts.

The video is a flurry of shots and blocks from both sides.  Neither of us are standing still, even on our knees we are not stationary.  I finally managed to put one on his head and win the first round.  Round 2 was much the same, but less long.  Both of us were tired, his defense dropped slightly and I landed a sword on his head.

A link to the finals shot from the back of the hall.  Consider this a language warning.

To be continued.

Monday, November 21, 2011

November 21st: Count down to Coronet

Been doing a poor job keeping this as a fight journal.

Last practice was pretty dismal from my side of things.  Got a nasty blood blister on my right index finger, which promptly broke open.  Not a horrible wound, but a wound in a crappy place.  Will be missing the last two practices before Coronet so it can heal a little.  This picture is Monday morning after the Thursday night blister. 

Coronet is also at the end of the week.  A week of full fighting recovery time right before is probably not a bad idea. 

My defense was not awesome at this practice either, my leg is weakly defended and I move the shield FAR too much to defend well.  A simple fake to my shield side had me moving my shield and making it unrecoverable to defend an offside head. 

I would also again start with the shield in a decent position and then have it collapse inwards and flatten out.

Still working on throwing cuts at the shield based on the shield shape.  That is coming along decently.

Primary lesson after this practice: Patience.  No need to jump into the combat, keep your defense solid, keep at a decent range.  don't be afraid to disengage.

I FINALLY broke my old sword.  Small fake to the leg left my opponents head wide open in the final fight of the evening.  Clean, decently hard head blow finished it off.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

November 15

Didn't fight at practice last night because of leaving a critical piece of equipment at home.  Practice was instead spent working on the pell pole as well as helping a new guy just starting.

Pell pole was largely working with my left hand.  Worked on a flat snap as well as the 1-6 drill.  Transition from one shot to another is definetely on the weak side with my left, but coming along.  I fell I can generate the power necessary.

I reviewed some videos by Lucan Dux yesterday before practice as well so I was messing around with some of the things he talks about.

  • Sword foot forward = coiled and ready to strike
  • firing through two zones
I did a little foot work stuff as well.  Also over the past couple of days, really on the weekend, I came up with an idea for a portable footwork guide.  More on that in coming posts.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Oct 20, 2011. Pre-Practice

Practice tonight.

From last practice: 
  • Still need to work on the shield.  Top point up and bottom point out. 
  • In combination with this, a lower stance generally blocking with body movements instead of shield
  • Continue to work on the sword at shoulder, ready to fire.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Oct 17 post practice

Decent success with the shield.  Kept it in ok position.  Had a thought fighting varrus that my point was not on the easy, right before he clobbered me.

Got tagged a few too many times in the leg.  Back of the leg.

To work on: shield work still. Paying attention to their offense, lose what they are doing equals death.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Oct 17, 2011. pre-practice.

Practice tonight.  Last week highlighted certain shield issues. Flattening, point not staying up, over compensation.

Tonight, work on point up, fist at eye level.  Crouch to block legs.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Practice, October 14, 2011

Got to practice late last night.  Had to sign some paperwork.  That combined with a lousy sleep on wednesday left me with a lack luster practice. 

Had some ok passes with some of the guys including our newest member, who has come a long way in the past year.  From a kid who was unsure, and tentative throwing to a kid on the way to becoming a fighter who is throwing with decent force.  He also incorporates lateral movement.

I got some video of most of my passes.  Watched some of out there.  Observed the same issue as I saw in photos.  Shield starts ok, but quickly flattens out along the top.  Also noted it tends to move too high.  Just lousy positioning in general.  Need to get that under control.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Myrgan Wood Anniversary

Tournament was fought as a round robin.  I have seen no video from it, but a couple of photos have come around.

In these photos my shield is still tucked pretty close to my body.  This shot illustrates my shield tucking in as I attempt a thrust to the face.  I am relatively safe, due to range, but I would still rather see my shield in a more defensive location.
In another fight my brain VERY definitevely left the fight in favor of trying to stab my opponent.  I went from fighting to concentraing on a hole, which mean my defense suffered greatly and I died.

I was also jumped at one point in time and simply over whelmed.  I should have disengaged but instead I went for a kill that required MUCH faster reaction time than I had.  Perhaps a downside to the A-frame style.

Otherwise my day was ok.  Lost to Toryn and to Albrecht.  Defeated Shaver. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

*$ Squire notes

1475-1500 Italian
Perhaps Morion helmet?

Splinted arm defenses:
Splinted Leg defense:



Fighter forum for females

Read Peter Ralston, Cheng Hsin, subtitled something like the Principles of Effortless Power -- he is a martial artist, but lots in the book translates to SCA stick fighting -- this book totally changed the way I generate power.

Friday, September 30, 2011

September 29, 2011

Practice was good.  We did two drills.  One was a frozen opening defense drill and one was an endurance drill. 

I believe fighting endurance is important, I sadly don't think this is going to help most people, simple because we might only do it once, or maybe once a month, certainly not enough to promote a beneficial energy system adaption.

I continue to work on my opening A-frame stance.  Still have an opening down the slot.  Susceptible to a deep slot and a thrust.  Much less if I am paying attention instead of looking for openings.

Much more success when I am patient.  I said there is a line between being aggressive enough that your opponent is flustered and being aggressive in a stupid manner.

Spent a little time fighting the man at arms.  He has come a fair ways, although I would like to see him generate more power in some of his shots.  I need to see what he is throwing on camera or through someone elses eyes, as I think it may be a mechanically unsound shot.  It lands and can at times hit me clean, but it has almost no force on it.

Also I have sort of half picked up a pseduo squire, the man at arms has been exceptional towards her, offering her the use of his old armor so she can try if she wants to.  She has A&S goals more than fighting goals though, so he may need to be less exuberent about getting her out there.  Still it is good to see him willing to lend a hand and help someone out.  I have witnessed this on numerous occasions with new fighters as well who are not someone with a bond to the family.

Forgot the video camera at home.  Hope to get a new sword made this week as well as copious amounts of armor repair done on Sunday. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Monday Sept 26, 2011

Forgot to charge up the video camera so no video from this.

Thoughts from practice:


I need to be aware of the other sword, especially in the A-frame.  I am susceptible to the slot.  Albrecht one shotted me in the vinfest tourney and Kathryn repeatedly hit me there at practice.

Kathryn at least had much less success with that shot if I was aware it was coming, ie I was paying attention.


Less telegraphing.  I don't need to watch to throw.  This will feed into the defense notes from above.  Pay attention.

Biggest thing I need?

I think it is patience.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

More video: YouTube playlists

Created a bunch of playlists based around the fighting workshops Sir Raoukinn has done.  Should make watching them easier


Finally bought a video camera.  Currently testing a JVC Everio HD.  May consider an upgrade to Samsungs entery level HD still.  I have a 14 day return policy on the camera.

Currently the video has been used for pell work.  I set up the camera and record myself throwing shots.  Then I watch the video on the camera's screen.  If I see any glaring issues I re-do the drill/technique

I am then looking at taking the video and editing it with titles and captioning sections with comnnents and slow motion so I can go back and watch what I was doing and issues I might have had.

Sep 21 Video Pell Work.
6 segments, aprox 3-4 mins each. ~ 20mins on the pell.
Segment 1 - Flat Snap
Segment 2 - Offside
Segment 3 - Offside corrections
Segment 4 - Flat snap to offside.
Segment 5 - Offside to wrap
Segment 6 - thrust

Will try taping some practice tonight and then we shall see how the camera does.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Things to work on, Sept 19 thoughts

Fighting at range.
  • Hold range
    • Keeping opponent at range
  • Triggers
    • Range is lost.  Know it.  Don't stay in.
  • Re-gaining range
    • once range is lost how do I regain it?
    • Step into and past
    • Quick disengage
    • Wheel and wrap
  • Thrust technique
  • Off body work
  • Sword defends right side
  • Sheild defends left
  • Patience
Drill work
  • Pell pole
    • 1-6 drill
    • slow pell work
  • Compass drills
  • Pell foot work drills

Week of Sept 12, 2011

I am progressing into a newer fighting stance.  ie a boxers stance or A-frame.  Monday of this week was the first time I haveused this stance a lot.  I had decent success with it.

Initial thoughts with it:  Seems to be more open.  Easier to see.  That has pros and cons.  I can see what is happening, I am more susceptible to fakes.  I have decent power on snaps, need to work on offsides.

Thursday was slow work.  Not much, worked with Donnan a bit.

Saturday we had the Prince come down as well as Viscount Sir Aiden.  Also had a few of their squires come with them.  We had 10 or so guys out on the field swinging stick.  I found the A-frame style to be ok, but I am having issues getting smashed at in my sword arm.  Not 100% sure what I am doing wrong there, but it is something I will need to visit.  I will probably also re-rinforce the armor on that arm.

My thrusts are coming along ok.  I landed a few good ones including a full speed in "combination" which landed with authority: Snap, offside, thrust.  Being able to throw from a shot to a thrust is something I need to work on.  I am typically leading with the thrust or using it against kneeling opponents. 

I have found that if I fake a wrap to a kneeling opponent their sheild rotates to cover exposing there torso to a thrust.  This may work on standing opponents as well, something to try.

I also picked up a video camera so I can do some video analysis of fighting.  Did a few rounds of pell work yesterday.  Two 1-6 drills and a 100 shot drill.  Took video of the first 1-6 drill and watched and then worked on issues I identified.  Mainly my sheild is not stationary.  There is no threat and my shield is still wandering all over the place presenting targets.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Monday Practice

The barony is looking into adding a practice day.  We have run a couple of Monday practices to supplement the existing Thursday.

Yesterday (Monday the 12th) was my first.  We had five heavies total.  Myself, Varrus, Amish, Grioffa and Baz. 

It was a good practice, I am modifying my style somewhat, and this was the first concerted effort to use it.  It was not unsucessful, but I have a fair ways to go still.

I am hoping this style will help me in keeping my shield in a better position, I see too many photos of me with my shield off in never never land.

Practice format: one on one sparring.  Bear pit, keep wounds.  Triangle sets

Biggest lesson of the night:  Don't lean over and stick my head out when my opponent has been legged.

Pros: Did a decent job staying in my B range for most fights.

Harvest Feast 2011

Directly after Crown I hit up a small local event.  I had sort of planned on camping one of the nights if the weather was good, but the guys wanted to camp the whole weekend, so I did.

The tourney on Saturday was ok.  I went 4 rounds and then was eliminated.  Both fights were ok, apart from the ending.

Event itself was fun.  Being local and smaller meant a lot more time with close friends.

September Crown 2011 Aftermath.

Back from Crown for a week or so now.   Attended my first Chivalry Council.  It was pretty cool.

The actual tourney sucked.  Hit the party a little hard on Friday night.  Which is my own dumb fault.

Couldn't tell you who I actually fought but it went Lose-Win-Lose and then out.  No pick-ups.
Felt like complete garbage the fights all sucked, and it's only by pure luck I think I won the second.

Next day was a round robin Squire's tourney.  8 erics.  Top 2 on each moved on to a single elimination sweet sixteen.  I came out after the round robin and fought a few pick-ups.  The temperarture really kicked the crap outa me though. 
First few rounds were pretty good.  But by the time I did my fourth set out in the sun I was again just trashed from the heat.

Definetely could have been a better showing.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

September Crown 2011

I leave for September Crown this evening.  Drive should be ok, it's long and will be split up into a couple days.

I haven't fought in about a month. This is for various reasons, none of which are: "I don't feel like it".  Looking forward to suiting up and crushing some people.  Should be a good day of fighting.

This will be another first for me.  My first Crown tourney as a knight.  My first time on the side of the Chivalry.

Goals for this event fighting wise?  Fight honorably, have fun.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Quad War 2011

Back from a sucessful event.  My first war as a knight, my first important tournament as a knight.

Arrived on site on Thursday evening.  I had picked up a new dome tent to prevent the stress of setting up the monstrosity, but when I attempted to set up the new tent I discovered the tent as purchased new out of thebox had a design flaw and was impossible to set-up.  This caused me great stress, but I got over it, throught my stuff in Albrecht's tent since he wasn't arriving till Friday.

Some friends were planning on going in to town on Friday morning so I solved the problem by simply buying a new tent.  Which was set-up no problem.

Thursday night brought a round of drinking and hanging out with friends, and the first of many nights with out enough sleep.  Most people crashed early but on my final round through the campsite I noted the bardic fire was still going pretty strong so I hung out there for the remainder of the evening.

Friday brought a trip into town to get the new tent.  Followed by a short lived but impressive storm, which had decided to hit right in the middle of dinner and setting up Albrecht's sun shade.  Once the storm passed we finished setting everything up, and got to drinking some rum. 

With not enough sleep we awoke on saturday and made ready for war.  Four of us fought more or less together, but in a loose organization, which sometimes ended with us far flung across the field.  No longer a squire meant I was not tied to Albrecht had had more freedom to find my own fame on the fields of battle.

The first field battle was lack luster, I believe I survived but didn't really do a huge amount.  The second field battle was fought uphill for our side. The right part of our army had been stopped by a small unit and the heavy champion for Avacal.  I briefly considered avoiding him and leaving him for others.  Then this little voice said it's your job if anyone should face him in this line it should be you.  knight vs. knight.  So I pushed forward and engaged him.  I didn't kill him, but I tied him up long enough for a spear in our line to end his life.  Free from the menace of Einar I flanked up the right side of their force alone.  I approached an archer but saw a small unit off to the archer's right.  I decided leaving them behind me would be a bad idea. 

I wheeled and slammed into them.  The first sheild man fell to the initial onslaught and I moved for the pole weapon.  I saw a the haft being raised against me as he brought his weapon to bear.  My sword fell on the haft like an avenging demon knocking it out of the way before I ended his life as well.  I moved forward and engaged the third man in the unit.  My sword struck forward just as a spear from another part of their army ended my life.  It seems a spearman had noticed my ramage and had decided if he didn't do something I probably wasn't going to stop anytime soon.

After this we moved into the castle and fought some scenarios.  Our unit had been moved from the Tanists side to the Highnesses side.  So now I fought with the heavy champion.  The first battle was mostly boring until we finally pushed into the castle.  Einar had a unit at the sallyport waiting to charge.  Bored at the front of the castle I moved to the side and waited for him to call it.  Finally he called the charge.  Einar was 2nd or third man in calling go go go.  A unit followed after him.  I followed after them saying the same, "GO GO GO.  Don't stop in the door!  PUSH!"  Finally I rolled in and immediately turn to my left and engage one of their guys.  I attack hard pushing him pack.  Blow after blow he moves back, finally he falls and with no pause in my attacks yields to my blade.  I died shortly afterwards and watched the remainder of our forces crush them between our gate assault and our sallyport assault.

Finally we fought to defend the castle.  Albrecht and Fenric on one side of the door, Shaverson and myself on the other.  Albrecht hopes they charge so he can pin them on the wall next to Shaverson and myself where we will crsuh them.  Sadly they never charge.

A spear moves to the side and starts harassing our side of the door.  We stand there, we call him names, tell him he needs to be closer, we laugh.  unseen from the spearman, Fenrik steps up from his side and drops a wrap around the side of the castle wall dropping the spearman.  Sir Wernar replaces him also with a spear and starts harassing us again.  Again we laugh and mock.  Finally I call in an archer to end Wernar, but Wernar disappears.  May not have killed him with the arrow but we certainly neutralized him.

In the back Einar has sallied out with a group and started the killing outside the walls.  Bored at the front I leave the castle and survey the land.  I see Wernar across the field with his pike.  I smile and charge telling him he is a dead man, and then I realize he has also lost an arm.  Easy pickings.  I chase him back against the castle wall and raise my sword to finish him just as an arrow hits him in the head, robbing me.  I watch him fall.  I look at him.  I stab him in the face and move on.

Two warriors stand against me now.  I engage them.  One of them peels off and it is a one on one.  I end the first man and look up to see the second waiting for me.  They had apparently given me single combat.  Not their smartest decision that day, but it was certainly their last.

All in all.  The war was good fun, I probably racked up as many kills with sword and shield as I ever had before.  It was a good first war.

We fought pick-ups and then showered and got ready for court.

We watched Aiden and Isabella step down and Toryn and Evja step up.  In the past couple of years I have spent more time with this family and have grown to call them more than acquaintances.  I was very happy at Coronet when Toryn was victorious inspired by his lovely wife.  Toryn had been prince before but not inspired by Evja.

I have never been moved to tears playing this game, but seeing Evja place the crown on Toryn, claiming their right as our prince and princess was as close to it as I have been.  Their first court was short, but one of the first orders of business was to invest Evja's Guard.  Two were supposed to go up, but only one was ready.

Earlier in the event Evja had honored me with the request of being on her guard which I easily and happily accepted.

I approached the throne and knelt before my Princess and swore to defend her and support her.  She swore her oath to me and I took my place in court. 

I have been asked to be on retinue before and sometimes I have done it, sometimes not, unable to swear fealty due to my oath to my Knight.  Now that I no longer have that oath I am free to say yes.  It is awesome to be able to swear this oath for the first time to this couple.

Also of special note during this court by squire brother Eric Shaverson was called up and given a gilden griffon.  An award for service to the principality.  Eric has not recieved many awards and in terms of service often flys under the radar.  As a nurse on the field of battle he is always there to help someone who falls, always willing to lend a hand.  It was awesome to see it recognized.

Then Drinking.  Lots of it.  The grotto party was pretty fun.  I drank.  I flirted.  I generally hung out and made an ass out of myself I am sure. 

Sunday.  Avacal Heavy Champions Tournament.
Chivalry in the lists: Albrecht, Wernar, Gunther and myself.  I fought the first few rounds clean, they included a one shot on a fighter that gives me trouble and a victory over Sir Wernar.  Albrecht was my second to last fight.  It was intense, but in the end he took my leg and I couldn't land anything solid on his head.  He finally put on on my helmet after tipping two or three off.  The next round I got was a bye fight.  Then there was three of us left.  Sir Wernar, Sir Albrecht and myself.  Having just recieved the bye they paired Wernar and myself up again.  We engaged and fought and after a time I lost my arm.  Wernar gave me even points.  I fought with my left.  We engaged.  I blocked and struck at his head.  my blow landed just as another of his took me in the belly.  We both fell.  We lined up again and fought one more time.  The fight was close, touching each other but nothing solid.  Finally I jumped in and struck his leg.  He went to his knees.  I engaged and found myself kneeling against him after he struck me.  After a hard fought round I thrust and only managed to land against his leg.  Following up I through a wrap to his body, but it landed low and his blade found my head ending my chances.  The head shot on me hurt a lot less than the wrap on him though.   So ended my chances to be Heavy champion. 

So in the last three important tournaments I had ended in the semis being defeated by the two who would vie for the victory.  I thanked my inspiration and then apologized to the Princess for not managed to win.  She said I had done well and was impressed.  I told her that she should be pretty safe with me as a guard.

Sunday night brought another round of drinking.  I spent a good portion with the Vikings, drinking and watching them get stupid. 

Part way through the night clouds formed on the horizon.  The wind began to pick up and lightning began to form.  The wind continued to get worse and the lighting lit the sky as if it was day.  Tornado warnings were heard throughout camp.

I went prayed to the sky god.  The winds got worse, tents came down.  The first drop of rain was felt.  It was not small.  It looked bad.  Then as swiftly as it started the storm passed.  We had just caught the edge of it.

Monday brought packing and a long tiring drive home.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Quad WAR! Pre war post

Another year has gone.  Today I leave to go out to the quad war site for a weekend of good friends and good times.

Every year the Principality of Avacal holds a decent sized war, our largest event.  We camp typically from the Thursday or Friday till Monday.  Classes, rapier, war, tournaments, parties,courts and friends.

Last year the principality rolled our Investiture into the event so no we fight the war on Saturday and on Sunday we invest the new Prince and Princess as well as hold our Champions Tournament.

I always look forward to the war, but this year the world has given me too much stress over the past little while, a weekend to fight and drink sounds like JUST what the doctor ordered.  I can not wait to get there.

Also this is the first Quad I will attend as a knight, so that should make for some good times on and off the field.  I am 100% stoked for it this year.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Baroness's Picnic

Once a year the local group gets together and has a little "event" at a local park.  The aim is to get the group out into people's vision and as well give everyone a nice low key afternoon.

This year we had a lovely day.  We did some heavy fighting, some rapier and some dance.

As the aim of this blog is about fighting, I guess I will talk about that.

In total we have seven fighters out including myself.  The majority of fighters often lay some stick on me so it could have been anyone's day.  In order to prolong the tourney we decided upon a round robin with each round being decided as best two out of three.

I was on fire, I was barely touched the whole day, most of what did had next to no force, was on my leg or resulted in a double kill.  I went through the tourney clean.  The last round happened to be against the other fighter who had gone through with only one loss, my opponent in the finals.

In the finals I won the first bout decisevly, lost the second one just as decisevly, but took the third in a mess of swords and and shots.

It was a good day.  The important thing was range, I pretty much didn't close unless I wanted to, and then it was for a definite plan, which resulted in me getting back out as quickly as I could.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Practice: July 14, 2011

Practice was fairly low key last night.  I do however think we are coming to some issues, more on that at the end of the post.

Practice was pretty typical
Slow work: I spend more time talking and working things out than actually doing basic slow work
1st blood line drill: 8 people took a bit but we got through it.
Skills: Ranging drill
Free fighting.

The ranging drill seemed to go over ok.  A little over thinking and people wanting to win at it.

Everyone participated in the slow work.  They all participated in the 1st blood.  Everyone did skills.  Free fighting came along and here is the issue, we just didn't have that many people out on the field.  Couple guys here and there at a time.

It's almost like we need the sparring segment to be structured as well.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Drill thoughts.

Range & infighting.

In fighting: Leg wrap.
Range: Active Passive
  • Basic approach and stop when in range
    • Active moves close
    • Passive calls stop and checks range to leg
  • 10 step
    • Active moves in any direction
    • passive moves in any direction
    • Call out step 1. pause Call out step 2 etc
    • Passive can call stop when in range and check leg shot.
  • Deceptive movement

Monday, July 11, 2011

Dragonslayer 2011

This past weekend Montengarde held it's Dragonslayer tourney to choose a new champion.  Last year I was victorious in the lists and so this year I organized the lists.

We held a double elimination tournament and had 11 local fighters vying to be champions and a total of 18 fighters competing, with 1 bye fighter.

I opened the tournament with a short speech about fighting in the lists.  It was well recieved with compliments from a few people including, "It made me want to fight"

In the end the prize tournament saw HE Sir Wernar victorious over HE Kirk Einarsson.
In the Dragonslayer tournament a relatively new face to our lands, Amish was victorious over Kathryn.

All in all it was a pretty fun event.  I got to hang out with some of my favorite people.  Fought a little bit as well.

The old and rew regalia was handed off to Amish who stood in court guarding their Excellencies with his Lady.

Free of duties I hung out with my lady a little and then made my way through the crowd chatting with people.  After court Balinor appeared, having tracked me down to a time when there was still light and nothing for me to do.  He has been wanting to teach me to shoot, and I have wanted to learn, but time has been an issue.  But with a little free time, I went and got my bow and arrows and came and met him on the range.

We string the horse bow and went through some shooting talk.  I watched him, I shot.  Overall fired off ~ 55 arrows.  I had ok grouping for the most part but I was usually a little high.  All in all the bow seemed to work well, and I enjoyed being out there shooting it. 

After that was done, drinking started.  Was a good night around a few fires with friends new and old a like.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Silverwolf 2011


Once the morning is done, I begin packing the car and remeber 99% of the stuff we want to take, which really is a pretty decent percentage.

We have borrowed a wedge tent from friends and have managed to fit everything inside the Versa.  The drive up is uneventful.  I spent most of it finishing the tribute gift for the Queen as well as hand sewing most of the edges on the del for the knighting ceremony.

When we arrive on site there are a few people hanging around already including the King and Queen and some good friends.  So we chill out and chat for awhile before setting up camp.  I needed to run into town, but due to conversations that occured this never happened.

It didn't take us long to decide to set up quickly as the weather was not looking awesome.  Although it was not raining when we got there we had passed through a shower close to site, and the storm clouds looked to be closing.  Soon though the clouds pushed back and the sky was blue above us, for a time, infact for most of the vigil.

Once set up we returned to the tarps set up for the party and with good friends and conversation I began to have a few more beverages.  A drink called "Stargazer", a fruity concotion in which you, usually, can not tase the alcohol.  It IS to be noted that the first batch that Fenrik brought, you COULD taste the alcohol. 

As the sun went down HM stood and proclaimed the vigil had begun and the party commenced.  Really for me it kept right on going.  I know my hat had at least as much fun as I did, going from head to head, leaving me out in the cold.  Traitourous hat.

Truth be told after that things get a little blurry and I only remeber a very few bits and pieces.

Fortunately I remeber important details about the party.  I remeber the effor that people put in.  I remember that a good portion of people wore dels in honor of the occasion.  I remember the Huscalres of Borealis setting up a massive shelter and serving hot pots all evening.  I remeber the thing that will mark this day for me in a lot of ways as strongly as the buffet did, how much people supported me, how much love was shown towards me.  A truly humbling exprience.

Another moment occured of some note to me and in a whirlwind of activity.  I had been discussing with Donnan about him being a man at arms, I had discussed it with Albrecht when I was still a squire.  And then suddenly the moment was upon us.  Albrecht brought forth his sword, which I managed to NOT kill anyone with, someone produced a black belt.  Donnan knelt and sword an oath to me his hands on the blade, I swore one back and done.  Man at Arms.  Maybe not the glorious ceremony he might have wanted as I had NOTHING prepared.  I was thinking of doing it as Dragonslayer, but it's done now.


Saturday morning brought INTENSE tiredness, but no real hangover.  Perhaps I was still intoxicated when I got up.  We decided to go for breakfast.  The knight, squire brother and foster brother for lack of a better term.  A close group of friends.  We got a call right after ordering that the morning court was going to start soon and where were we?  It was an important court, two very dear friends were stepping down as the Baron and Baroness.  We ate quickly and got back to the hall intime.

By this time I was still very tired and only half looking forward to fighting, not sure if it would do well by me or kill me.  And no lies there was times I just absolutely needed to take off my helmet for a breather.  Did I mention the vigil was an epic party?

We fought a round robin with two erics.  I lost three of my fights. 
First loss:  Daniel. I took his arm.  I gave up my shield, but NAH, I gave up my right arm too.  Left is something I have been working on.  But I still am not great.
Second loss: Sir Gunther.  Double kill in the first engagement and he managed to get me in the second round after what was a pretty intense and hard fought match for both of us.
Third loss: Squire brother.  Erik Shaverson.  Jerk.

Tourney done with I set forth to have a shower, but I needed to wait for my lady to get her shower squared away cause I forgot a towel.  (99% of the stuff was packed).  So I waited around in my tired state.  The shower was awesome.  I changed and got ready for feast.

The feast was pretty good, till we got to the salad.  This dosen't mean the salad was bad, I actually suspect it was quite tasty, but it just didn't agree with me.  Partially being tired, partially nerves.

That being done I got my gifts ready in the change room.  I changed again into my new del.  I discussed with Donnan about retrieving my gifts when the ceremony was close to starting.  Sadly for him I was still tired, and insanely nervous so the directions were spoken softly while he followed.  Fortunately he wasn't one to just nod and pretend he understood.  We got it good to go though.

Court started.  I awaited my turn.  It slowly came.  Then I was called forward.  I approached with Myfanwy.  Donnan trailed behind with gifts.

I spoke the words I had carefully prepared for their Majesties.  Words of tribute.

Great King,
Radiant Queen,
Majesties of An Tir.
Ten moons ago I witnessed a great tournament where the heros of this land strode like giants and engaged in chivalric combat so that one might be King by his own hand.
On this day, one inspiration shone brightest and carried one mans skill and strength to victory.
It is clear you are the undoubted King and Queen of An Tir.
I have seen you defend your populace, I have seen you raise those worthy and I have heard the words you have spoken to me.
As is the way of my people I bring you gifts of tribute.

And I brought forth the sword for the King and the hat and beads for the Queen.

The knights are called forward.  The ceremony commences.  It is largely the An Tir ceremony. 
The King notes I am in fealty to another.  I stand and remove my squire's belt and give it back to Albrecht.  We speak words.  We share a toast to our continued bond, now as brothers.  I bring forth one last gift, a set of linen tunics.  With this done I return to the King.

HM demands I swear my oath by my own sword.  I tell him I do not have one.  Albrecht rises and tells of a sword from my homeland and they bring forth a saber.  It is drawn, HM comments on the steel, on it being sharp.  I lay my hands upon the sword and swear my oath.  At the end of the oath it is added, and if I break this oath let me become like this arrow, broken and appart.  For this I draw an arrow from my quiver and break it in two and toss the pieces aside. 

The accolade is given by the Sword of State. 

I stand.  HM Skeggi looks at me and tells me this will be the last blow I recieve unanswered, and it will remind me of he who made me knight.  I look him in the eye.  His hands on my shoulders.  Then he strikes.  The impact catches me and moves me back.  My head spins back.  There is darkness.  I didn't stumble, I don't recal being out of sorts.  I step back, but I do not falter.  I recover and look HM in the eye.  In the videos I look pissed off.  I hug him. 

Now.  It is important to remeber other things occured.  I do not recall the exact order, but they are important.

The chain of fealty was brought forward.  The gold chain of knighthood.  It was made by Brother Selwine for me.
The spurs were given to me by Albrecht.
The belt, purchased by Shaver, Fenrik and myself for Albrecht, but now adorned with reproductions from a belt in the Hermitage museum, assembled by Vik.

All these things are important, and as I mentioned earlier, I am humbled.

The arrows in the ceremony were created by Balinor.  He created 12 arrows. 11 with target points and one with a metal mongolian style arrowhead.  All 12 are very cool arrows created with imitation eagles feathers and self nocks.

The additions to the ceremony come from three places
Tribute:  Gift of the sable coat from Temujin to Ong Khan to solidify his relationship with him and bind him to a strong ally
Toast: A toast is described in "Genghis Khan" by Jack Weatherford, where 4 generals toast.  I don't recall the exact details
Arrow:  My initial searches on oaths and knighthood brought me across an article among oaths among the Mongols.  There was a practice it seems of swearing oaths by cutting an animal in two and moving the two halves away, symbolizing how they would be if t he oath was broken.  The article goes on to say, arrows were used instead sometimes for less important oaths.  Although this was not a less important oath, cutting an animal in half....well the arrow just worked better.

After the ceremony I got ready for knights council, which was a little stressful, I was afraid of being late and it was impossible to walk from oneside of the hall to the other quickly.  Everyone wanted to say congrats, which was VERY cool.  I was just tired and didn't want to be late. 

HE Sir Toryn provided the beer one last time.

After the meeting I drank a little more, hung out with some people.  The same people I have hung out with before incidentally.  There are a few of us that seem to stay up later than the others, ie all night.  They are not my knight and family, but they are friends and provide some good conversation.  A good bunch to drink with.


We managed to pack-up when it wasn't raining.  I went to curia.  Missed saying good bye to a few people.  As we are about to pull off site, Vik and Inga show up and ask if we want to go for breakfast.  Albrecht and Shaver pull up as well.  Off we go.  Breakfast was good.  Good friends and excellent conversation.

Special Thanks
Some have been mentioned before.
Albrecht - my Knight.  Thanks for helping me walk the path and providing feedback
Shaverson - For being my brother pushing me to want to show you up at all times.
Fenrick - For being another brother.
All three of you: For the vigil and everything that went into it.
Cina - For the wonderful scroll done with period materials, as well as the wool batting!  Awesome.
Anabel - For helping make the boys presentable and sewing tunics for me.
Selwine - For the cool chain.
Sadb - For being who you are, for the awesome gift of wool.
Tatianna - For being an amazing friend and for the cool Mongol dude (now on my shelves of Mongolness)
Aroc - For being you, for coming all that way, it meant a lot to have you there.
Huscarles - All of you together for being a great bunch and helping out with the vigil and bringing your hot pots.
Inga - For advice and feedback and putting up with a tonne of questions, for getting me resources when I needed them.
Vik - For being there.  You were not my Knight.  Your influence was still felt.  Our two families are close.  I count you among my close friends.  Thanks for everything.
Toryn - I know you hate me.
Evja - For being awesome. Your generosity towards me has been amazing.  I am happy you will be Princess.
Myfanwy - In general for putting up with me, and driving my busy and then tired ass to and from the event.

I am SURE I am forgetting people.

I felt the entire principality behind me.  Thank you.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Gifts of Tribute.

Thursday night, June 16, 2011.  June 18th is the ceremony.

I have long planned to create gifts of tribute for their Majesties as the opening to my ceremonies.  They are largely finished.  A sword for the King, a felted and couched hat for the Queen.  I had some issues with the sword but they are largely resolved apart from a rattle from the two piece pommel.

I complete most of the hat, some hand sewing left but it can wait till tomorrow in the car.  I decide if I insert some copper shims I can tighten up the pommel and eliminate the rattle.  It is aprox 3am.  I insert the shims only to cause the brazed pomel to break and become loser.  3:30am. 

Not good.  I go to sleep.  I have a breakfast with good friends in the morning.  at 7:30am I am back in the shop cleaning the pomel as best I can so I can solder the whole thing down before we go.  This goes off ok.  When we get back from breakfast I clean it up as best I can and give it a quick polish.  not great, but overall it will suffice for what I am doing.  I will need the sword back to finish it up after, but it will be a passable gift for the time being.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Practice, June 9, 2011 and Training Journals

When I left work yesterday I looked up and saw a beautiful day.  A good day to hold practice outside, always a pleasure to fight in the grass instead of inside on floors.

The drills largely comprised of staying engaged and using your shield to neautralize your opponents shield.

In addition to that I was working on a two shot combo, onside head -> onside leg.  I had a decent amount of luck with it.  Needs lots of polish and some mechanical work, mainly re loading my hip between, which may help in recovery.  Right now I am throwin the head and letting the sword teardrop 1/2 way and then firing the leg. 

I was also working at keeping my shield in front of me or at least in a defensive position, so often it floats out, gets pivoted out, gets forgot about.

It was mentioned that I was holding range better that I was holding a guy in a deadzone where I could strike and he could not.  That is a good thing, but maybe a bit further out than I want.  This positioning where I throw and get no response most certainly plays into my defensive issues.  ie I am not threatened, my shield becomes a secondary consideration.

For awhile my methodology, and will be again, was to write all this up in a journal.  Make notes and comments, write ideas down I had at practice.  I would then read this again right before practice.  This was in an attempt to create continuity and an unbroken learning between practices.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Final Prep begins

It is now Wednesday, June 8.  I have 9 days left to work on projects before the knighting ceremony.  Most of these are evenings.  One weekend remains.  One day to buy final supplies.

I started construction on what I will be wearing last night.  It will be close, but I should be able to get it done with lining.  I will need to get more silk still, but a basic solid color will be fine.  Perhaps a gold, or something equally as oppulent.

I have a few gifts I am working on for the ceremony.  These will have the tightest schedule for completion , but they are beginning to come together as well.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Avacal June Coronet 2011

Coronet was a decent event.  I made the comment that I actually like important events hosted by more isolated groups.  Only the people who really care show up.  Not to say everyone who dosen't come dosen't care, lots of people wouldn't have made this event even if it was close.

Hosted by Cold Keep I heard we had about 65 adults on site and the heavy list was aprox 17.  There was a fair number of exprienced, a fair number of mid level guys and a healthy dose of new people.

The really sad part was only one knight showed up that could compete.  The Prince was there, so we had 2 knights on site, but only Toryn in the lists.

Once the procession was complete the chivalry side was evened up with the challenge side and challenges were issued.

My tournament went something like this:

Round 1: Karim- Win
Round 2: Kirk - Loss
Round 3: Leif - Win
Round 4: Markus - Win
Round 5: By
Round 6: Toryn (At this point there was 4 of us left, myself, Toryn, Kirk and Uriel) - Loss

After my fight with Kirk I managed to get dirt in my eye and didn't get it out till after the Coronet lists were concluded.  Sucked and had me a little worried, but I am not sure it really affected my fighting.

Other differences: Way lighter sword.  Fought with a Baldur basket hilt, not as cool looking in the photos, but hopefully easier on my arm.

The other fighting event of significance was the Squires tourney.  This was my last Squires tourney.  I wanted to show well.  When they announced the numbers in court, I was tied with Kirk for most wins, but I had more fights than him, so I was awarded the prize.

Other than that the event was a pretty good time.  Good friends, good drinks, pretty short court.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

June 2, 2011

Survived Crown, didn't do as well as I would have liked, infact I yet again failed to get by #2.  Squires the next day was ok, little different format, I went maybe 50/50, slow start and then a decent finish.  I fought Squires with my small round shield, so with that consideration I guess it was ok.

Leg armor didn't work as well as I would have liked, so I have modified them again.  They were just attached to kneepads and worked ok if I wasn't moving excessivly.  However they slid around a lot if I did, or went to my knees.  I have pointed them to the cuisse as well, so they don't slide. I have used them once at practice and they seemed to work out pretty good.  They LOOK a lot better under my fight clothes as well.  That is always a good thing.

Gorget was better after the modifications, but I was still having issues with it flipping up.  Had one of the knights I know looking at it and we determined how to fix it, which I did back at camp.  It is much better now, no longer flipping up.

Parties were ok, I had a fun trip out there.

This is the weekend before Coronet.  We are travelling out to Cold Keep tomorrow.  Seems like many fighters are not going, so it should be an interesting list.  I am pretty prepared for it.  Mostly packed, armor repaired still from crown.  New baskethilts arrived in the nick of time so I can attach them to the new sword. 

Seems a lot of people would like to see me win.  I have had an immense amount of feedback on it.  Still not 100% sure I want it right now.  It would be cool, but I also have a lot going on.  SCA wise, most of it will be done though.  So we go.  We fight and bring our best.  We see what happens.

After this weekend there is 2 weeks left until my knighting.  Gah.  So not ready yet!


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Few days

Found a few new videos Sir Raoukinn had posted that I had not seen before. HE Sir Sagan teaching a body and sword motion class and a practice vs training class.  Watched that over the course of the week.

I have for the most part avoided pell work, giving my elbow as much rest and rehab as I can before An Tir Crown this weekend.

The Ceremony is one month away.  Some projects are progressing.  Some have yet to be started.  I only made a few additions to the ceremony to "Mongolize" it.  In general it's a pretty foreign concept, the ideas of king and oaths are not, so I can work from that side of things.

Made a few modifications to the armor prior to Crown.
Gorget:  I believe the front flap on the gorget should stay down now.  Took two darts out of it adding some shape to the leather
Arms: Riveted the upper light leather to the elbow cop at each edge, hopefully presenting a more unified defense.
Legs: Pointed the windrose knees to a set of knee pads.  got a set of shorts I can wear under a set of cuisses, allowing the knee pads to sit against my skin and remain in position.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Practice: May 12, 2011

Didn't armor up today as I wasn't feeling 100% after being down and out the day before.  Still came to practice and did a little slow work warm-up.  We did a new slow work form that Kathryn picked up from somewhere which involved mirroring your opponents moves.

I paired with a new guy, which was cool.  Always happy to help with a perspective new fighter, but I found our attitudes interesting and pretty much completely opposed in some ways.  Although we were both having fun and smiling, it was clear I was much more serious about the drill, not calling it better or worse, just different.  This is all about having fun.

Once we did that, we have a dicussion/class on field ettiquette for the new fighters that I thought was pretty good.  The heavies then went on to spar a little and do some line drill stuff.

With the encouragements of one of the apprentices I took our new fighter aside and did some slow work on the flat snap with him.  In general his snap came fairly easily, especially considering this was his first time with a sword, although he had mentioned some martial arts background.

Teaching and analysis has always been my biggest weakness.  I haven't excelled at it and I haven't pursused that excellence.  This will most likely change as I move into my new role as a member of the Chivalry of An Tir.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Practice: May 05, 2011

Pratice consisted of:
Slow work
First blood
Drill work
Bear pit.

It was ok.  I had a good time, thought some things through.  I had an idea about it in my head watching one of the fights.  It has been rattling around in there for a bit and now it comes out as the following.

I have an excellent range advantage against some people.  Some people haven't figured that out.  Some have.  Which isn't what this is about exactly.  More I need to recognize when I am getting closed on.  My long range abilities combined with how I fight, means I am not as effective toe to toe.  It is not my forte.

I never shy away from it though.  I will wade in, and do ok.  I will get locked up and feel in control, feel like I can counterpunch if they throw.  Feel like my speed will save me.  The fallacy of this was shown to me again at the tournament in Bitter end.  I was fighting my knight.  We got ties up.  We stood toe to toe, shields on shield, swords up high in guard.  Looking straight into each other's eyes, waiting for the move.

Albrecht moved first.  I reacted, after he wrapped me in the head and the ass.  Two shots he got off before I moved.  He solidly defeated me.  I had no chance to counter punch.

No. I am most effective at mid and long range.  At long range I can throw and be fairly safe if they don't move, simply because I will outrange them.  My sword is usually 3 inches into their head at my maximum range, when they are JUST touching my face at their maximum range.  This is not my issue.  I have a decent flat snap I use to decent effect at this range.

Medium range is my issue.  I have the most power here I think.  The most room to maneuver.  The ability to have them at their long range while I can throw medium.  I have trouble KEEPING this range.  Especially if I am throwing a series of blows.  I often advance faster than they retreat and end up toe to toe.

I need to work on keeping that range and utilizing it more to my advantage.  I still think about lateral movement when I use it when throwing combinations.  I would like to just throw and not worry about if I stepped.

Monday, May 2, 2011


Back from Silver Arrow.

The tournament was run as a Valhalla tournament.  For those unfamiliar with it it is a test of skill and endurance.  You make take your helmet off and leave the eric anytime you wish, but when you do, you are out of the tourney.

Fighters circle up.
Fighters engage someone in the circle, but not the person to their left or right.
Upon losing you stand on the side lines and wait.
When the person who eliminated you is struck down, you are again allowed to come back in and fight.
To win you must engage and defeat each fighter in the eric without losing.

These can sometimes go incredibly fast.  Usually they are a test of endurance as well.  I believe 15+ started the list and there was aproximately 5 left at the end.

Part way through my knight attempted to end it.  Went through everyone, and was defeated by the last man alive.  Sadly he is not in the physical condition he once was and this attempt removed him.

In the end I was victorious, but it was a long hard fought day, and I am not 100% sure it did my arm any favors.    I have a small bruise my the point of my elbow and it is interfering with what is serious pain and what is just minor.

The tournament was fun and everyone was in great spirits.  The rain held off and although it was windy and cold when not fighting, I didn't really notice it once my helmet was on.

A good day.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Silver Arrow

Tomorrow is Silver Arrow.  A small tourney in a Shire about 1 1/2 hours north.  The Shire of Bitter End.

The cool thing, provided it doesn't snow is that it's an outdoor tourney.  I don't think I have fought outside since September Crown.  Looking forward to it.

Spent some time watching some fight videos from another practice. I think I am going to develop a better leg.  Seems from watching these videos that a lot of guys just don't defend em very well.  Me included.

Tomorrow though is a tourney, so we shall go and fight, have fun.

Fight Warm-up

At the workshop HG Owain suggested that fighters come up with a quick warm-up that they could do on a muddy field at a Crown. 

I am of two minds for this.  This is a physical workout and a warm-up is always a good thing.  So definetely a good idea especially at a practice.  At a crown tourney the time between getting ready and actually fighting can be considerable.  I am not sure how effective this might be.  On the other side I am not sure how long the effects of a warm-up last.  I will have to look into it.

Either way I can see a mental benefit to it as a way of focussing and turning your body to fight mode.

So pulling from HG Owain and his routine and adding in some thoughts of my own.

Neck front to back
Neck ear to elbow
Neck side to side
Arm circles foward
Arm circles back
Chest openers
Cossak Squats
OH Squats
Behind back arm stretches
IT stretch

I suspect I will add and subtract from this for a little while before I have the warm-up down to where I want it.

First new practice

Last night was the first implemenation of thew new practice ideas shown to us by HG Owain and HE Alden.  We are looking to turn practice into a learning and training space, not a sparring free for all.

It was also the first practice I led and I think it went off pretty well.  We started a few minutes late, 7:15 as opposed to the 7:00 start time, but not too bad. 

My original schedule for practice looked like this
  • Warm-up: Dynamic stretching
  • Slow work
  • Sword footwork drill
  • First blood
  • Shield line drill
  • Bear Pit
The actual schedule worked as follows
  • Warm-up: Dynamic stretching ~5mins
  • Slow work ~10 mins
  • First blood, ~30 mins
  • Shield line drill, ~15 minutes
  • Critique fights (2 pairs) ~30 mins
  • Bear Pit, last 20 minutes
We have two hours for practice 7pm- 9pm and judging from the times it took to do everything it looks like we have time for the 1st blood, 2 skill segments and a bear pit.

I was initially scared that the 20 minutes at the end of the practice was going to be far too short a time for the pit, but there was only 3 of about 12 of us left fighting at the end, so I guess everyone got their fill.

We also have a couple of new fighters, one older (Gareth, an accomplished archer) and one younger(Darian).  It will be interesting to see them progress with the new style of practice.

Feedback from the practice seemed positive.  One of our exprienced fighters, who was unable to attend the workshop, said she enjoyed it, which was good to hear.


Drill thoughts & Practice orgnization


Warm-up: dynamic stretches
Slow: Helm off slow work
Active Warm-up: First blood line drill
Drill Segment: Partner and line
Endurance: Bear Pit

Drill ideas
LD = Line Drill
PD = Partner Drill

Shield position (LD)
Pig throws 6 consecutive head shots
Attacker throws onside leg to offside head
Modifcation: Attacker throws a single shot after the 6th blow is thrown.
Concept: Pig won't know where to defend.  I feel in the last incarnation even if we threw legg offside head, we still knew those two shots were coming.
Line can call shield position to remind the Pig.

Opening Gambit Leg Strike (LD)
3 shot combo. Once slow, Once fast
1: Strike to foul weapon
2: Strike to offside
3: Strike to onside leg, snap or wrap.

Sword Foot Work (PD)
Partners stand square to each other.  Palms raised and facing each other at chest height, they suspend a sword, parallel to the ground, between them.
Lead: takes steps
Follower: maintains position
Do not let the sword fall.

Sustained Strike (PD)
Attacker throws a 6+ combination, defender defends.  After a few rounds are complete fighters discuss and then switch places

Changes to practice

For as long as I can remeber practice has consisted of sparring.

I started in the Shire of Cold Keep, in An Tir and for us practice consisted of a more exprienced fighter teaching us basic shots and sparring.

I moved to the Barony of Montengarde in 2001.  I was not hugely active initially, but as I became more active and started attending practices I saw largely the same thing.

This works to some degree.  I got some skill out of sparring and event fighting.  However some of us here obviously wanted more and discussions occured and we spoke with Knights who were involved in a more structured practice.

After these discussions we adopted a slow work portion to practice where we would step through some combination, or practuce basics.  These additions were excellent, as simple as they were.  They engaged people who were interested in practice but hadn't had the opportunity. 

Recently we held a workshop with His Grace Owain Ap Einar and His Excellency Alden Ap Owain.  We did two classes, one on psychology and one on how they organize practice.  Day two of the workshop was a practice using much of what they brought to the table.

The workshops were in my opinion pretty successful, I know I took home a fair bit from both classes.  The group as a whole was anxious to try out the new concepts for practice that they had shown us.