Thursday, July 28, 2011

Quad WAR! Pre war post

Another year has gone.  Today I leave to go out to the quad war site for a weekend of good friends and good times.

Every year the Principality of Avacal holds a decent sized war, our largest event.  We camp typically from the Thursday or Friday till Monday.  Classes, rapier, war, tournaments, parties,courts and friends.

Last year the principality rolled our Investiture into the event so no we fight the war on Saturday and on Sunday we invest the new Prince and Princess as well as hold our Champions Tournament.

I always look forward to the war, but this year the world has given me too much stress over the past little while, a weekend to fight and drink sounds like JUST what the doctor ordered.  I can not wait to get there.

Also this is the first Quad I will attend as a knight, so that should make for some good times on and off the field.  I am 100% stoked for it this year.

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