Monday, July 11, 2011

Dragonslayer 2011

This past weekend Montengarde held it's Dragonslayer tourney to choose a new champion.  Last year I was victorious in the lists and so this year I organized the lists.

We held a double elimination tournament and had 11 local fighters vying to be champions and a total of 18 fighters competing, with 1 bye fighter.

I opened the tournament with a short speech about fighting in the lists.  It was well recieved with compliments from a few people including, "It made me want to fight"

In the end the prize tournament saw HE Sir Wernar victorious over HE Kirk Einarsson.
In the Dragonslayer tournament a relatively new face to our lands, Amish was victorious over Kathryn.

All in all it was a pretty fun event.  I got to hang out with some of my favorite people.  Fought a little bit as well.

The old and rew regalia was handed off to Amish who stood in court guarding their Excellencies with his Lady.

Free of duties I hung out with my lady a little and then made my way through the crowd chatting with people.  After court Balinor appeared, having tracked me down to a time when there was still light and nothing for me to do.  He has been wanting to teach me to shoot, and I have wanted to learn, but time has been an issue.  But with a little free time, I went and got my bow and arrows and came and met him on the range.

We string the horse bow and went through some shooting talk.  I watched him, I shot.  Overall fired off ~ 55 arrows.  I had ok grouping for the most part but I was usually a little high.  All in all the bow seemed to work well, and I enjoyed being out there shooting it. 

After that was done, drinking started.  Was a good night around a few fires with friends new and old a like.

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