Thursday, June 23, 2011

Silverwolf 2011


Once the morning is done, I begin packing the car and remeber 99% of the stuff we want to take, which really is a pretty decent percentage.

We have borrowed a wedge tent from friends and have managed to fit everything inside the Versa.  The drive up is uneventful.  I spent most of it finishing the tribute gift for the Queen as well as hand sewing most of the edges on the del for the knighting ceremony.

When we arrive on site there are a few people hanging around already including the King and Queen and some good friends.  So we chill out and chat for awhile before setting up camp.  I needed to run into town, but due to conversations that occured this never happened.

It didn't take us long to decide to set up quickly as the weather was not looking awesome.  Although it was not raining when we got there we had passed through a shower close to site, and the storm clouds looked to be closing.  Soon though the clouds pushed back and the sky was blue above us, for a time, infact for most of the vigil.

Once set up we returned to the tarps set up for the party and with good friends and conversation I began to have a few more beverages.  A drink called "Stargazer", a fruity concotion in which you, usually, can not tase the alcohol.  It IS to be noted that the first batch that Fenrik brought, you COULD taste the alcohol. 

As the sun went down HM stood and proclaimed the vigil had begun and the party commenced.  Really for me it kept right on going.  I know my hat had at least as much fun as I did, going from head to head, leaving me out in the cold.  Traitourous hat.

Truth be told after that things get a little blurry and I only remeber a very few bits and pieces.

Fortunately I remeber important details about the party.  I remeber the effor that people put in.  I remember that a good portion of people wore dels in honor of the occasion.  I remember the Huscalres of Borealis setting up a massive shelter and serving hot pots all evening.  I remeber the thing that will mark this day for me in a lot of ways as strongly as the buffet did, how much people supported me, how much love was shown towards me.  A truly humbling exprience.

Another moment occured of some note to me and in a whirlwind of activity.  I had been discussing with Donnan about him being a man at arms, I had discussed it with Albrecht when I was still a squire.  And then suddenly the moment was upon us.  Albrecht brought forth his sword, which I managed to NOT kill anyone with, someone produced a black belt.  Donnan knelt and sword an oath to me his hands on the blade, I swore one back and done.  Man at Arms.  Maybe not the glorious ceremony he might have wanted as I had NOTHING prepared.  I was thinking of doing it as Dragonslayer, but it's done now.


Saturday morning brought INTENSE tiredness, but no real hangover.  Perhaps I was still intoxicated when I got up.  We decided to go for breakfast.  The knight, squire brother and foster brother for lack of a better term.  A close group of friends.  We got a call right after ordering that the morning court was going to start soon and where were we?  It was an important court, two very dear friends were stepping down as the Baron and Baroness.  We ate quickly and got back to the hall intime.

By this time I was still very tired and only half looking forward to fighting, not sure if it would do well by me or kill me.  And no lies there was times I just absolutely needed to take off my helmet for a breather.  Did I mention the vigil was an epic party?

We fought a round robin with two erics.  I lost three of my fights. 
First loss:  Daniel. I took his arm.  I gave up my shield, but NAH, I gave up my right arm too.  Left is something I have been working on.  But I still am not great.
Second loss: Sir Gunther.  Double kill in the first engagement and he managed to get me in the second round after what was a pretty intense and hard fought match for both of us.
Third loss: Squire brother.  Erik Shaverson.  Jerk.

Tourney done with I set forth to have a shower, but I needed to wait for my lady to get her shower squared away cause I forgot a towel.  (99% of the stuff was packed).  So I waited around in my tired state.  The shower was awesome.  I changed and got ready for feast.

The feast was pretty good, till we got to the salad.  This dosen't mean the salad was bad, I actually suspect it was quite tasty, but it just didn't agree with me.  Partially being tired, partially nerves.

That being done I got my gifts ready in the change room.  I changed again into my new del.  I discussed with Donnan about retrieving my gifts when the ceremony was close to starting.  Sadly for him I was still tired, and insanely nervous so the directions were spoken softly while he followed.  Fortunately he wasn't one to just nod and pretend he understood.  We got it good to go though.

Court started.  I awaited my turn.  It slowly came.  Then I was called forward.  I approached with Myfanwy.  Donnan trailed behind with gifts.

I spoke the words I had carefully prepared for their Majesties.  Words of tribute.

Great King,
Radiant Queen,
Majesties of An Tir.
Ten moons ago I witnessed a great tournament where the heros of this land strode like giants and engaged in chivalric combat so that one might be King by his own hand.
On this day, one inspiration shone brightest and carried one mans skill and strength to victory.
It is clear you are the undoubted King and Queen of An Tir.
I have seen you defend your populace, I have seen you raise those worthy and I have heard the words you have spoken to me.
As is the way of my people I bring you gifts of tribute.

And I brought forth the sword for the King and the hat and beads for the Queen.

The knights are called forward.  The ceremony commences.  It is largely the An Tir ceremony. 
The King notes I am in fealty to another.  I stand and remove my squire's belt and give it back to Albrecht.  We speak words.  We share a toast to our continued bond, now as brothers.  I bring forth one last gift, a set of linen tunics.  With this done I return to the King.

HM demands I swear my oath by my own sword.  I tell him I do not have one.  Albrecht rises and tells of a sword from my homeland and they bring forth a saber.  It is drawn, HM comments on the steel, on it being sharp.  I lay my hands upon the sword and swear my oath.  At the end of the oath it is added, and if I break this oath let me become like this arrow, broken and appart.  For this I draw an arrow from my quiver and break it in two and toss the pieces aside. 

The accolade is given by the Sword of State. 

I stand.  HM Skeggi looks at me and tells me this will be the last blow I recieve unanswered, and it will remind me of he who made me knight.  I look him in the eye.  His hands on my shoulders.  Then he strikes.  The impact catches me and moves me back.  My head spins back.  There is darkness.  I didn't stumble, I don't recal being out of sorts.  I step back, but I do not falter.  I recover and look HM in the eye.  In the videos I look pissed off.  I hug him. 

Now.  It is important to remeber other things occured.  I do not recall the exact order, but they are important.

The chain of fealty was brought forward.  The gold chain of knighthood.  It was made by Brother Selwine for me.
The spurs were given to me by Albrecht.
The belt, purchased by Shaver, Fenrik and myself for Albrecht, but now adorned with reproductions from a belt in the Hermitage museum, assembled by Vik.

All these things are important, and as I mentioned earlier, I am humbled.

The arrows in the ceremony were created by Balinor.  He created 12 arrows. 11 with target points and one with a metal mongolian style arrowhead.  All 12 are very cool arrows created with imitation eagles feathers and self nocks.

The additions to the ceremony come from three places
Tribute:  Gift of the sable coat from Temujin to Ong Khan to solidify his relationship with him and bind him to a strong ally
Toast: A toast is described in "Genghis Khan" by Jack Weatherford, where 4 generals toast.  I don't recall the exact details
Arrow:  My initial searches on oaths and knighthood brought me across an article among oaths among the Mongols.  There was a practice it seems of swearing oaths by cutting an animal in two and moving the two halves away, symbolizing how they would be if t he oath was broken.  The article goes on to say, arrows were used instead sometimes for less important oaths.  Although this was not a less important oath, cutting an animal in half....well the arrow just worked better.

After the ceremony I got ready for knights council, which was a little stressful, I was afraid of being late and it was impossible to walk from oneside of the hall to the other quickly.  Everyone wanted to say congrats, which was VERY cool.  I was just tired and didn't want to be late. 

HE Sir Toryn provided the beer one last time.

After the meeting I drank a little more, hung out with some people.  The same people I have hung out with before incidentally.  There are a few of us that seem to stay up later than the others, ie all night.  They are not my knight and family, but they are friends and provide some good conversation.  A good bunch to drink with.


We managed to pack-up when it wasn't raining.  I went to curia.  Missed saying good bye to a few people.  As we are about to pull off site, Vik and Inga show up and ask if we want to go for breakfast.  Albrecht and Shaver pull up as well.  Off we go.  Breakfast was good.  Good friends and excellent conversation.

Special Thanks
Some have been mentioned before.
Albrecht - my Knight.  Thanks for helping me walk the path and providing feedback
Shaverson - For being my brother pushing me to want to show you up at all times.
Fenrick - For being another brother.
All three of you: For the vigil and everything that went into it.
Cina - For the wonderful scroll done with period materials, as well as the wool batting!  Awesome.
Anabel - For helping make the boys presentable and sewing tunics for me.
Selwine - For the cool chain.
Sadb - For being who you are, for the awesome gift of wool.
Tatianna - For being an amazing friend and for the cool Mongol dude (now on my shelves of Mongolness)
Aroc - For being you, for coming all that way, it meant a lot to have you there.
Huscarles - All of you together for being a great bunch and helping out with the vigil and bringing your hot pots.
Inga - For advice and feedback and putting up with a tonne of questions, for getting me resources when I needed them.
Vik - For being there.  You were not my Knight.  Your influence was still felt.  Our two families are close.  I count you among my close friends.  Thanks for everything.
Toryn - I know you hate me.
Evja - For being awesome. Your generosity towards me has been amazing.  I am happy you will be Princess.
Myfanwy - In general for putting up with me, and driving my busy and then tired ass to and from the event.

I am SURE I am forgetting people.

I felt the entire principality behind me.  Thank you.

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