Thursday, June 2, 2011

June 2, 2011

Survived Crown, didn't do as well as I would have liked, infact I yet again failed to get by #2.  Squires the next day was ok, little different format, I went maybe 50/50, slow start and then a decent finish.  I fought Squires with my small round shield, so with that consideration I guess it was ok.

Leg armor didn't work as well as I would have liked, so I have modified them again.  They were just attached to kneepads and worked ok if I wasn't moving excessivly.  However they slid around a lot if I did, or went to my knees.  I have pointed them to the cuisse as well, so they don't slide. I have used them once at practice and they seemed to work out pretty good.  They LOOK a lot better under my fight clothes as well.  That is always a good thing.

Gorget was better after the modifications, but I was still having issues with it flipping up.  Had one of the knights I know looking at it and we determined how to fix it, which I did back at camp.  It is much better now, no longer flipping up.

Parties were ok, I had a fun trip out there.

This is the weekend before Coronet.  We are travelling out to Cold Keep tomorrow.  Seems like many fighters are not going, so it should be an interesting list.  I am pretty prepared for it.  Mostly packed, armor repaired still from crown.  New baskethilts arrived in the nick of time so I can attach them to the new sword. 

Seems a lot of people would like to see me win.  I have had an immense amount of feedback on it.  Still not 100% sure I want it right now.  It would be cool, but I also have a lot going on.  SCA wise, most of it will be done though.  So we go.  We fight and bring our best.  We see what happens.

After this weekend there is 2 weeks left until my knighting.  Gah.  So not ready yet!


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