Thursday, May 19, 2011

Few days

Found a few new videos Sir Raoukinn had posted that I had not seen before. HE Sir Sagan teaching a body and sword motion class and a practice vs training class.  Watched that over the course of the week.

I have for the most part avoided pell work, giving my elbow as much rest and rehab as I can before An Tir Crown this weekend.

The Ceremony is one month away.  Some projects are progressing.  Some have yet to be started.  I only made a few additions to the ceremony to "Mongolize" it.  In general it's a pretty foreign concept, the ideas of king and oaths are not, so I can work from that side of things.

Made a few modifications to the armor prior to Crown.
Gorget:  I believe the front flap on the gorget should stay down now.  Took two darts out of it adding some shape to the leather
Arms: Riveted the upper light leather to the elbow cop at each edge, hopefully presenting a more unified defense.
Legs: Pointed the windrose knees to a set of knee pads.  got a set of shorts I can wear under a set of cuisses, allowing the knee pads to sit against my skin and remain in position.

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