Monday, May 2, 2011


Back from Silver Arrow.

The tournament was run as a Valhalla tournament.  For those unfamiliar with it it is a test of skill and endurance.  You make take your helmet off and leave the eric anytime you wish, but when you do, you are out of the tourney.

Fighters circle up.
Fighters engage someone in the circle, but not the person to their left or right.
Upon losing you stand on the side lines and wait.
When the person who eliminated you is struck down, you are again allowed to come back in and fight.
To win you must engage and defeat each fighter in the eric without losing.

These can sometimes go incredibly fast.  Usually they are a test of endurance as well.  I believe 15+ started the list and there was aproximately 5 left at the end.

Part way through my knight attempted to end it.  Went through everyone, and was defeated by the last man alive.  Sadly he is not in the physical condition he once was and this attempt removed him.

In the end I was victorious, but it was a long hard fought day, and I am not 100% sure it did my arm any favors.    I have a small bruise my the point of my elbow and it is interfering with what is serious pain and what is just minor.

The tournament was fun and everyone was in great spirits.  The rain held off and although it was windy and cold when not fighting, I didn't really notice it once my helmet was on.

A good day.

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