Friday, May 13, 2011

Practice: May 12, 2011

Didn't armor up today as I wasn't feeling 100% after being down and out the day before.  Still came to practice and did a little slow work warm-up.  We did a new slow work form that Kathryn picked up from somewhere which involved mirroring your opponents moves.

I paired with a new guy, which was cool.  Always happy to help with a perspective new fighter, but I found our attitudes interesting and pretty much completely opposed in some ways.  Although we were both having fun and smiling, it was clear I was much more serious about the drill, not calling it better or worse, just different.  This is all about having fun.

Once we did that, we have a dicussion/class on field ettiquette for the new fighters that I thought was pretty good.  The heavies then went on to spar a little and do some line drill stuff.

With the encouragements of one of the apprentices I took our new fighter aside and did some slow work on the flat snap with him.  In general his snap came fairly easily, especially considering this was his first time with a sword, although he had mentioned some martial arts background.

Teaching and analysis has always been my biggest weakness.  I haven't excelled at it and I haven't pursused that excellence.  This will most likely change as I move into my new role as a member of the Chivalry of An Tir.

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