Monday, June 20, 2011

Gifts of Tribute.

Thursday night, June 16, 2011.  June 18th is the ceremony.

I have long planned to create gifts of tribute for their Majesties as the opening to my ceremonies.  They are largely finished.  A sword for the King, a felted and couched hat for the Queen.  I had some issues with the sword but they are largely resolved apart from a rattle from the two piece pommel.

I complete most of the hat, some hand sewing left but it can wait till tomorrow in the car.  I decide if I insert some copper shims I can tighten up the pommel and eliminate the rattle.  It is aprox 3am.  I insert the shims only to cause the brazed pomel to break and become loser.  3:30am. 

Not good.  I go to sleep.  I have a breakfast with good friends in the morning.  at 7:30am I am back in the shop cleaning the pomel as best I can so I can solder the whole thing down before we go.  This goes off ok.  When we get back from breakfast I clean it up as best I can and give it a quick polish.  not great, but overall it will suffice for what I am doing.  I will need the sword back to finish it up after, but it will be a passable gift for the time being.

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