Friday, July 15, 2011

Practice: July 14, 2011

Practice was fairly low key last night.  I do however think we are coming to some issues, more on that at the end of the post.

Practice was pretty typical
Slow work: I spend more time talking and working things out than actually doing basic slow work
1st blood line drill: 8 people took a bit but we got through it.
Skills: Ranging drill
Free fighting.

The ranging drill seemed to go over ok.  A little over thinking and people wanting to win at it.

Everyone participated in the slow work.  They all participated in the 1st blood.  Everyone did skills.  Free fighting came along and here is the issue, we just didn't have that many people out on the field.  Couple guys here and there at a time.

It's almost like we need the sparring segment to be structured as well.

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