Monday, November 21, 2011

November 21st: Count down to Coronet

Been doing a poor job keeping this as a fight journal.

Last practice was pretty dismal from my side of things.  Got a nasty blood blister on my right index finger, which promptly broke open.  Not a horrible wound, but a wound in a crappy place.  Will be missing the last two practices before Coronet so it can heal a little.  This picture is Monday morning after the Thursday night blister. 

Coronet is also at the end of the week.  A week of full fighting recovery time right before is probably not a bad idea. 

My defense was not awesome at this practice either, my leg is weakly defended and I move the shield FAR too much to defend well.  A simple fake to my shield side had me moving my shield and making it unrecoverable to defend an offside head. 

I would also again start with the shield in a decent position and then have it collapse inwards and flatten out.

Still working on throwing cuts at the shield based on the shield shape.  That is coming along decently.

Primary lesson after this practice: Patience.  No need to jump into the combat, keep your defense solid, keep at a decent range.  don't be afraid to disengage.

I FINALLY broke my old sword.  Small fake to the leg left my opponents head wide open in the final fight of the evening.  Clean, decently hard head blow finished it off.

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