Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Avacal November Coronet 2011....Cont

In the past couple of days more videos of the final rounds have come up.  I have most of the ones pertinent to me saved as "favorites" on my youtube channel.  Ogedei100

With the final blow struck I was shocked beyond belief that I had just won this tournament.  Wow.  What a rush.  After getting rid of my stuff and screaming my lungs out I found my knight and attempted to embrace my teacher.  No, that was not happening.  Albrecht and Vik both pick me up and give me my victory lap.  Quite a thrill.  Looking back at this moment I am reminded of words I spoke at Dragonslayer.  I now walk in the footsteps of giants.  The great warriors of our principality, of our Kingdom, of An Tir all walked these very steps and now two of our greatest have lifted me to victory.


Once that was done there was a flurry of activity.  The guys put me down infront of Ifatayho, my inspiration.  I kneeled and we hugged.  Our inspiration/fighter relationship is new, I don't think either of us thought I would win the NEXT coronet after we started.

Next was a ton of well wishers offering congratulations.  Which are all appreciated.  I am always humbled by the support this principality gives me.

I did not fight in the Squires tourney.  There was approximately 1 hour between the end of the tourney and the start of Chiv Council.  Caterina and I had talked about taking a few cars back to the hotel and then all coming back in one so some of us could drink at the event.  She left right away and I gathered up Donnan and Philomena and we left shortly after.

After a quick shower I returned and got to Chiv a little late.  I sized the Tanist circlet and we got ready for feast.

HH Toryn suggested due to the large number of royals that the Tanist and Tanista not sit at the head table and that I should sit with Caterina and company as it was the last time I would get to for awhile.  I agreed that it was indeed a good plan.

The feast was pretty good, I ate and drank my share.  And then we rolled into court.  I knew I would be in the Principality court, not the Kingdom court so I was sitting at the back chatting with Vik when Their Majesties called me and me alone forward.  I approached.  An aside:  Being a Knight is cool.  Carrying a sword you have sword to protect the kingdom with is cool.  I kneel infront of their Majesties and their herald speaks their words.

They are giving me the An Tir grant level award for A&S.  The Jambe de Lion.  Very cool.  It has been a personal goal for awhile to be recognized as an artisan of An Tir.

I return to the back after giving the scroll to Donnan to put somewhere safe. 

Court finally gets to us.  If and myself approach and Toryn and Evjya invest us as Tanist and Tanista of Avacal.  Heirs to the Gryphon thrones.

Once court was done we wrapped up at the hall, loaded back into the car and went back to the hotel.  The party on Saturday was much calmer.  We had a metting room set aside for us where we hung out and chatted most of the night.  A much more subdued and adult party.  Finally the party "ended".  Final location was Myself, Kashie, Vik, Albrecht and his nephew hanging out in their room shooting the shit.

The rest of the event was sleeping and business meetings and then a 3 hour drive home on clear roads with hurricane force winds.  Wow.

This event is easily within my top 5. 
The party on Friday.
Semi finals with 2 brothers.
Victory in the lists.
Time with family, almost everyone was there.
Good feast
recognition for A&S
The party on Saturday.


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