Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Our last practice was before Christmas.  Our hall closes over the holidays.  Next practice is on the 5th.  I have people coming in that night in prep for heading to 12th night, so I can't make that one.  I strongly suspect I will have no time to do any fighting at 12th night.  Hopefully we are back Sunday night so I can make practice on Monday the 9th.

The holidays were spent sewing.  I got the step-up del mostly completed, although I know what I have left to do will still take some time: Final assembly, Finishing, cuffs and ties.  I finished a new hat as well.  I have a couple other A&S projects on the go as well, which I will detail later.

Still to do before the step-up in 2 months. 
  • New coat
  • New boots
  • New bow case
  • Spears
But what new years post wouldn't be complete without a "Things to do in 2012"

2011 has a pretty epic year when I look back on it:  Knight, Tanist, Jambe.  Looking through the order of precedence I noted that I had recieved over half of my awards over the last year (back to Nov 2010).  Sure it had a few hard spots, but really in the end they were for the best.

However the end of 2011 saw my diet and fitness take a back seat, so I will need to re-focus on that somewhat.  First thoughts are to join the school gym as alumni.  ~$150 a year includes a full weight room as well as a pool.  Should be able to get in in the morning most days, and it is on the way to work.

SCA wise I would like to continue fighting and work on my skills as a teacher and working on being a leader in our Barony.

More Pell work.

Fighting A&S projects:  Armor, helmet, gambeson
Non Fighting A&S Projects: General metal work, bone carving, wood work (primarily chests)

I am also going to get a simple wedge tent this year.  I believe them to be a good combination of period and portable.  Not a ger by any stretch of the imagination, but way better than a crappy dome.

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