Thursday, January 19, 2012

January 19, 2012

After some discussion with some of the members at practice, we have decided to redouble our efforts at having a skills segment at practice.

After adopting the ideas of a neighboring shire to some success, we again moved back into a sparring type practice.  I personally like to spar, but I feel we can improve our game by adding in some skill based exercises/drills.

To that end several of us think it is still feasible. We looked at what happened last time and are taking steps to try and fix it.

Main issues:
  • Lack of volunteering
Ok.  I think that was it.  Several of us are not the most vocal.  In short if we want this we need to be willing to step in and make it happen.  Another solution I am trying is having a schedule lined up so we can all see what is happening in the coming practices. 

Tonight is our first night back with a format such as this.  I am taking the first go around.

Drills to look at tonight: Basic Snap and recovery while walking and Frozen Man.

Snap with recovery.
A) Start in defensive stance, sword leg back.
B) Step forward with sword leg and fire Snap.  Snap should land with your foot.
C) Step forward with shield leg, tear drop return sword.
D) Go to A

Typically done down the length of a hall.  Generally a drill to teach getting your footwork in time with your blows as well as teaching how the movement feels.  Done fairly slow to start.

Frozen Man: Slow work.
Designate one as Warm man and one as Frozen man.
A) Warm man starts throwing a shot
B) Frozen man man react to blow for one second, ie may defend based on the initial moments of the warm mans shot. 
C) Frozen man now FREEZES.
D) Warm man observes angles and opening and continues to select and throw a slow shot.
E) Repeat several times and then switch roles.

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