Monday, November 28, 2011

Avacal November Coronet 2011

Tuesday before coronet I took some time and got a hilt carved into a new piece of rattan.  Opted to take it to Tavern and finish it there the next day.  I ran into a slight hiccup when doing the final assebly at tavern.  I could not fit my trigger into the basket hilt with the rattan.  I opted to just use a lanyard at Coronet and not worry about it.

Didn't practice as per my plan on Thursday and just relaxed and recovered.

Arrived in town early with the man at arms.  We were about an hour ahead of the squire brother.  So we dropped our stuff off and ran to the grocery store to grab some fruit juices for mixing the evenings Stargazer. For those of you not familiar this is an alcoholic fruit punch.  A batch requires 52oz of alcohol and 4 litres of juice and sprite.

By the time we got back Shaverson was on site and Fenrik was not far behind.  And then about half hour later Caterina and crew rolled into the hotel.  We went for dinner which ended with a tonne of us ordering pizza to the restraurant lounge and drinking vodka and OJ.  By the time we got back to the room many of us were already pretty happy.  Stargazer was mixed and the we were off to the pool.

The pool party of the event consisted of a water slide, a hot tub and a general awesome time with some great people.  It was without a doubt one of the events major highlights.

The party made it back to hotel rooms and we continued to drink.  A bottle of gosling was shared as well as some Guinness.  Not really sure what time we managed to get back to the room.  Caterina went to bed at a reasonable time, smarter than most of us it seems.  Donnan and I probably got back around 2.  He tasked himself despite me telling him otherwise to go and find Caterina.  After that A few other people managed to find their way to our room.  Cassia was off looking for one of her friends.  Donnan ever helpful, but COMPLETELY trashed, was told to go to bed. 

I left the room and chatted with Cassia for awhile.  I will soon run out of fingers to count the number of times her and I close out the party.  And then DISASTER.  I got back to the room and discovered Donnan has managed to lock me out.  After much pounding on the door and waking everyone else up but him, the front desk gave me a key to 261 where I slept, sorta, from 4:00 till 9:00 or so.

E P I C night.

The Coronet Tournament broke down like this for me. 
Round 1: Fergus - Win
Round 2: Markus - Win
Round 3: Kirk - Loss
Round 4: Bye (Duke Davin and Sir Tim) - Loss
Round 5: Fenrik - Win
Round 6: Raoul - Win
Round 7: Bye - (Duke Davin and Sir Tim) - Win
Finals: Fenrik - Win

Kirk defeated me handily, his wrap caught be off guard and pegged me in the head.  I suspect I was almost out of the way, but not quite.

Round 6 was an interesting point in the tournament.  There was six fighters left, each of us with a single loss.  After round 6 3 remained.  Myself, Eric and Fenrik.  It was exceptionally cool to be the last three guys together. 

The bye had initially gone to Eric.  Both Fen and myself had recieved byes earlier.  Eric was adamant that he didn't want to bye into the finals and cited that and the fact Fenrik and I had already fought earlier.  His Highness came back and gave me the bye and Fenrick and Eric faced off for the final position.  I was happy to fight either of them, although Eric is direct family sharing the same knight.  Either way Albrecht has had a hand in shaping all three of us on and off the field.

The final rounds with Fenrik were not easy.  His defense was tight and I couldn't put a stick on him despite my best efforts.

The video is a flurry of shots and blocks from both sides.  Neither of us are standing still, even on our knees we are not stationary.  I finally managed to put one on his head and win the first round.  Round 2 was much the same, but less long.  Both of us were tired, his defense dropped slightly and I landed a sword on his head.

A link to the finals shot from the back of the hall.  Consider this a language warning.

To be continued.

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