Thursday, September 22, 2011


Finally bought a video camera.  Currently testing a JVC Everio HD.  May consider an upgrade to Samsungs entery level HD still.  I have a 14 day return policy on the camera.

Currently the video has been used for pell work.  I set up the camera and record myself throwing shots.  Then I watch the video on the camera's screen.  If I see any glaring issues I re-do the drill/technique

I am then looking at taking the video and editing it with titles and captioning sections with comnnents and slow motion so I can go back and watch what I was doing and issues I might have had.

Sep 21 Video Pell Work.
6 segments, aprox 3-4 mins each. ~ 20mins on the pell.
Segment 1 - Flat Snap
Segment 2 - Offside
Segment 3 - Offside corrections
Segment 4 - Flat snap to offside.
Segment 5 - Offside to wrap
Segment 6 - thrust

Will try taping some practice tonight and then we shall see how the camera does.

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