Monday, September 19, 2011

Week of Sept 12, 2011

I am progressing into a newer fighting stance.  ie a boxers stance or A-frame.  Monday of this week was the first time I haveused this stance a lot.  I had decent success with it.

Initial thoughts with it:  Seems to be more open.  Easier to see.  That has pros and cons.  I can see what is happening, I am more susceptible to fakes.  I have decent power on snaps, need to work on offsides.

Thursday was slow work.  Not much, worked with Donnan a bit.

Saturday we had the Prince come down as well as Viscount Sir Aiden.  Also had a few of their squires come with them.  We had 10 or so guys out on the field swinging stick.  I found the A-frame style to be ok, but I am having issues getting smashed at in my sword arm.  Not 100% sure what I am doing wrong there, but it is something I will need to visit.  I will probably also re-rinforce the armor on that arm.

My thrusts are coming along ok.  I landed a few good ones including a full speed in "combination" which landed with authority: Snap, offside, thrust.  Being able to throw from a shot to a thrust is something I need to work on.  I am typically leading with the thrust or using it against kneeling opponents. 

I have found that if I fake a wrap to a kneeling opponent their sheild rotates to cover exposing there torso to a thrust.  This may work on standing opponents as well, something to try.

I also picked up a video camera so I can do some video analysis of fighting.  Did a few rounds of pell work yesterday.  Two 1-6 drills and a 100 shot drill.  Took video of the first 1-6 drill and watched and then worked on issues I identified.  Mainly my sheild is not stationary.  There is no threat and my shield is still wandering all over the place presenting targets.

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