Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Monday Practice

The barony is looking into adding a practice day.  We have run a couple of Monday practices to supplement the existing Thursday.

Yesterday (Monday the 12th) was my first.  We had five heavies total.  Myself, Varrus, Amish, Grioffa and Baz. 

It was a good practice, I am modifying my style somewhat, and this was the first concerted effort to use it.  It was not unsucessful, but I have a fair ways to go still.

I am hoping this style will help me in keeping my shield in a better position, I see too many photos of me with my shield off in never never land.

Practice format: one on one sparring.  Bear pit, keep wounds.  Triangle sets

Biggest lesson of the night:  Don't lean over and stick my head out when my opponent has been legged.

Pros: Did a decent job staying in my B range for most fights.

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