Friday, April 29, 2011

Fight Warm-up

At the workshop HG Owain suggested that fighters come up with a quick warm-up that they could do on a muddy field at a Crown. 

I am of two minds for this.  This is a physical workout and a warm-up is always a good thing.  So definetely a good idea especially at a practice.  At a crown tourney the time between getting ready and actually fighting can be considerable.  I am not sure how effective this might be.  On the other side I am not sure how long the effects of a warm-up last.  I will have to look into it.

Either way I can see a mental benefit to it as a way of focussing and turning your body to fight mode.

So pulling from HG Owain and his routine and adding in some thoughts of my own.

Neck front to back
Neck ear to elbow
Neck side to side
Arm circles foward
Arm circles back
Chest openers
Cossak Squats
OH Squats
Behind back arm stretches
IT stretch

I suspect I will add and subtract from this for a little while before I have the warm-up down to where I want it.

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