Friday, April 29, 2011


Drill thoughts & Practice orgnization


Warm-up: dynamic stretches
Slow: Helm off slow work
Active Warm-up: First blood line drill
Drill Segment: Partner and line
Endurance: Bear Pit

Drill ideas
LD = Line Drill
PD = Partner Drill

Shield position (LD)
Pig throws 6 consecutive head shots
Attacker throws onside leg to offside head
Modifcation: Attacker throws a single shot after the 6th blow is thrown.
Concept: Pig won't know where to defend.  I feel in the last incarnation even if we threw legg offside head, we still knew those two shots were coming.
Line can call shield position to remind the Pig.

Opening Gambit Leg Strike (LD)
3 shot combo. Once slow, Once fast
1: Strike to foul weapon
2: Strike to offside
3: Strike to onside leg, snap or wrap.

Sword Foot Work (PD)
Partners stand square to each other.  Palms raised and facing each other at chest height, they suspend a sword, parallel to the ground, between them.
Lead: takes steps
Follower: maintains position
Do not let the sword fall.

Sustained Strike (PD)
Attacker throws a 6+ combination, defender defends.  After a few rounds are complete fighters discuss and then switch places

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