Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Myrgan Wood Anniversary

Tournament was fought as a round robin.  I have seen no video from it, but a couple of photos have come around.

In these photos my shield is still tucked pretty close to my body.  This shot illustrates my shield tucking in as I attempt a thrust to the face.  I am relatively safe, due to range, but I would still rather see my shield in a more defensive location.
In another fight my brain VERY definitevely left the fight in favor of trying to stab my opponent.  I went from fighting to concentraing on a hole, which mean my defense suffered greatly and I died.

I was also jumped at one point in time and simply over whelmed.  I should have disengaged but instead I went for a kill that required MUCH faster reaction time than I had.  Perhaps a downside to the A-frame style.

Otherwise my day was ok.  Lost to Toryn and to Albrecht.  Defeated Shaver. 

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