Thursday, October 11, 2012

Posting & October goals


I had hoped to post more on this blog, but I find the time I am most able to write is during the day, and I was unable to access the page from work.

I have been upgraded and that has apparently changed.

Summer practices were pretty good.  It was nice to be outside.  We conistently held to practices a week with great numbers at most of  them.

We started at 7 and ended at 9 usually, and with the fading light we opted to drop drills so we could get as much time in to fight as possible.

We have started back inside and with it we can fight for a solid 2 hours without concern for light.  With this we have also started drills again.  Sadly work has been insane the last couple of weeks and I have not been in attendance.  This week I will be back and ready to fight.

Looking forward to getting back into training instead of just sparring.  Must remeber the video camera tonight.


October is half gone, but I thought I would post some goals for the month.

  • Nutrition: approx 2000 calorie/day during week. 21 days left aim for 90% compliance (19 days)
  • Blog once per week.  4 times between now and the end of the month
  • Pell/slow work 8 times between now and the end of the month
  • Aim to hit 6 practices this month
Nutrition: 0/19
Pell slow work: 0/8
Practice: 0/6
Blog: 1/4


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