Monday, October 15, 2012

October Goals

Practice on Thursday was largely drills.  We ran two first blood line drills.  One to work on knee fighting and one to work on single are left handed fighting.

Practice was in general good, but I found myself not caring about fighting certain people.  And by this I mean I didn't care if they hit me or not.  There was zero negative reinforcement.  I was willing to just not care about my defense and work completely on my offense.  Not a great habit to get into.

I took a fair bit of footage, but most of it was no good cause of people in the way.  Will try a new spot for the camera tonight. 

A couple of our newer fighters seemed to have issues with overly aggressive advances.  If I came in fast left handed with my sword cocked hard to the right to throw and then stopped in that positiong WELL within range, they would simply freeze up.  It is my week for drills, so I will probably try and work something in to try and address this. 


October is half gone, but I thought I would post some goals for the month.

  • Nutrition: approx 1900 calorie/day during week. 21 days left aim for 90% compliance (19 days)
  • Blog once per week.  4 times between now and the end of the month
  • Pell/slow work 8 times between now and the end of the month
  • Aim to hit 6 practices this month
Goal update
Nutrition: 4/19
Pell & slow work: 0/8
Practice: 1/6
Blog: 2/4

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