Wednesday, October 31, 2012

October closeout. November start.

Final day of October.

Goals were as follows:

Goal updateNutrition: 19
Pell & slow work: 8
Practice: 6
Blog: 4

Out of 21 days, I have eaten well for 17 of them.  I am aiming for around 1900 calories a day.  Some days I have come in pretty low, but haven't suffered for it.  I have felt fine, not hungry.

I am a few days from my goal however.  I was aiming for 90% compliance and ended up more like 81% compliance.  I had a few days of emotional eating, but over all I did farily well.  17 day of eating well is a far cry from where I was, which was pretty much 0 days of eating well.

November starts a new month and it will be time to set some new goals.

Pell & Slow work:
As usual I did pretty much zero pell and/or slow work away from practice.

I made it to six practices over the last half of the moth, but we only fought four of them due to low numbers.

Have managed to keep up with the blogging, and have easily posted 4 times since the middle of October.

November goals
I will keep up my momentum.  I will be looking to increase my dietary compliance, see if I can bring it up to 85%.  That is 25 days in November where I am eating at my designated caloric limit.  Coronet is also in Novemeber so it will affect the number of practices I make it to.  Still I should be able to make 7 next month.  I will continue to work at putting slow work into my training schedule.  Be looking at once a week for now, so if I can get it in four times next month that would be awesome.

For new goals I am going to add resistance training to the goals in this blog as well as using my training journal.  Using the training journal will constitute writing in it after practice and then reviewing it before next practice.  Identifying areas I believe I am having trouble with and coming up with ways to fix them.

I have no real plan for resistance training.  It will most likely take place at home.  I have items in the garage I can use to make a fine workable gym.  If I can get in there and lift something a couple times a week it will be a vast improvement over where I was.

Nutrition: 25
Practies: 7
Training Journal: 8
Slow work: 4
Resistance: 8

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