Monday, October 22, 2012

Goals & Thursday

Went to practice in a foul foul foul mood.  Strangely hitting people with sticks made things all better.  Thankfully there was a couple or three guys I could fight hard and had good fights.

Had some good thinking fights at the end.  Fights I could explain what I was doing and why it was successful.  Usually the fight is governed by the animal mind and I have a hard time articulating things.

I skipped my drills this week.  Bad mood, and only one new guy had showed up.  I will do them this thursday, and select a second set for more exprienced guys a well.

Big demo this weekend.  Will need to spend some time working on my equipment and such so I look half decent for the fighting portion of this.
Goal update
Nutrition: 10/19
Pell & slow work: 0/8 <-- BAD at this.
Practice: 3/6
Blog: 4/4

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