Friday, September 30, 2011

September 29, 2011

Practice was good.  We did two drills.  One was a frozen opening defense drill and one was an endurance drill. 

I believe fighting endurance is important, I sadly don't think this is going to help most people, simple because we might only do it once, or maybe once a month, certainly not enough to promote a beneficial energy system adaption.

I continue to work on my opening A-frame stance.  Still have an opening down the slot.  Susceptible to a deep slot and a thrust.  Much less if I am paying attention instead of looking for openings.

Much more success when I am patient.  I said there is a line between being aggressive enough that your opponent is flustered and being aggressive in a stupid manner.

Spent a little time fighting the man at arms.  He has come a fair ways, although I would like to see him generate more power in some of his shots.  I need to see what he is throwing on camera or through someone elses eyes, as I think it may be a mechanically unsound shot.  It lands and can at times hit me clean, but it has almost no force on it.

Also I have sort of half picked up a pseduo squire, the man at arms has been exceptional towards her, offering her the use of his old armor so she can try if she wants to.  She has A&S goals more than fighting goals though, so he may need to be less exuberent about getting her out there.  Still it is good to see him willing to lend a hand and help someone out.  I have witnessed this on numerous occasions with new fighters as well who are not someone with a bond to the family.

Forgot the video camera at home.  Hope to get a new sword made this week as well as copious amounts of armor repair done on Sunday. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Monday Sept 26, 2011

Forgot to charge up the video camera so no video from this.

Thoughts from practice:


I need to be aware of the other sword, especially in the A-frame.  I am susceptible to the slot.  Albrecht one shotted me in the vinfest tourney and Kathryn repeatedly hit me there at practice.

Kathryn at least had much less success with that shot if I was aware it was coming, ie I was paying attention.


Less telegraphing.  I don't need to watch to throw.  This will feed into the defense notes from above.  Pay attention.

Biggest thing I need?

I think it is patience.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

More video: YouTube playlists

Created a bunch of playlists based around the fighting workshops Sir Raoukinn has done.  Should make watching them easier


Finally bought a video camera.  Currently testing a JVC Everio HD.  May consider an upgrade to Samsungs entery level HD still.  I have a 14 day return policy on the camera.

Currently the video has been used for pell work.  I set up the camera and record myself throwing shots.  Then I watch the video on the camera's screen.  If I see any glaring issues I re-do the drill/technique

I am then looking at taking the video and editing it with titles and captioning sections with comnnents and slow motion so I can go back and watch what I was doing and issues I might have had.

Sep 21 Video Pell Work.
6 segments, aprox 3-4 mins each. ~ 20mins on the pell.
Segment 1 - Flat Snap
Segment 2 - Offside
Segment 3 - Offside corrections
Segment 4 - Flat snap to offside.
Segment 5 - Offside to wrap
Segment 6 - thrust

Will try taping some practice tonight and then we shall see how the camera does.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Things to work on, Sept 19 thoughts

Fighting at range.
  • Hold range
    • Keeping opponent at range
  • Triggers
    • Range is lost.  Know it.  Don't stay in.
  • Re-gaining range
    • once range is lost how do I regain it?
    • Step into and past
    • Quick disengage
    • Wheel and wrap
  • Thrust technique
  • Off body work
  • Sword defends right side
  • Sheild defends left
  • Patience
Drill work
  • Pell pole
    • 1-6 drill
    • slow pell work
  • Compass drills
  • Pell foot work drills

Week of Sept 12, 2011

I am progressing into a newer fighting stance.  ie a boxers stance or A-frame.  Monday of this week was the first time I haveused this stance a lot.  I had decent success with it.

Initial thoughts with it:  Seems to be more open.  Easier to see.  That has pros and cons.  I can see what is happening, I am more susceptible to fakes.  I have decent power on snaps, need to work on offsides.

Thursday was slow work.  Not much, worked with Donnan a bit.

Saturday we had the Prince come down as well as Viscount Sir Aiden.  Also had a few of their squires come with them.  We had 10 or so guys out on the field swinging stick.  I found the A-frame style to be ok, but I am having issues getting smashed at in my sword arm.  Not 100% sure what I am doing wrong there, but it is something I will need to visit.  I will probably also re-rinforce the armor on that arm.

My thrusts are coming along ok.  I landed a few good ones including a full speed in "combination" which landed with authority: Snap, offside, thrust.  Being able to throw from a shot to a thrust is something I need to work on.  I am typically leading with the thrust or using it against kneeling opponents. 

I have found that if I fake a wrap to a kneeling opponent their sheild rotates to cover exposing there torso to a thrust.  This may work on standing opponents as well, something to try.

I also picked up a video camera so I can do some video analysis of fighting.  Did a few rounds of pell work yesterday.  Two 1-6 drills and a 100 shot drill.  Took video of the first 1-6 drill and watched and then worked on issues I identified.  Mainly my sheild is not stationary.  There is no threat and my shield is still wandering all over the place presenting targets.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Monday Practice

The barony is looking into adding a practice day.  We have run a couple of Monday practices to supplement the existing Thursday.

Yesterday (Monday the 12th) was my first.  We had five heavies total.  Myself, Varrus, Amish, Grioffa and Baz. 

It was a good practice, I am modifying my style somewhat, and this was the first concerted effort to use it.  It was not unsucessful, but I have a fair ways to go still.

I am hoping this style will help me in keeping my shield in a better position, I see too many photos of me with my shield off in never never land.

Practice format: one on one sparring.  Bear pit, keep wounds.  Triangle sets

Biggest lesson of the night:  Don't lean over and stick my head out when my opponent has been legged.

Pros: Did a decent job staying in my B range for most fights.

Harvest Feast 2011

Directly after Crown I hit up a small local event.  I had sort of planned on camping one of the nights if the weather was good, but the guys wanted to camp the whole weekend, so I did.

The tourney on Saturday was ok.  I went 4 rounds and then was eliminated.  Both fights were ok, apart from the ending.

Event itself was fun.  Being local and smaller meant a lot more time with close friends.

September Crown 2011 Aftermath.

Back from Crown for a week or so now.   Attended my first Chivalry Council.  It was pretty cool.

The actual tourney sucked.  Hit the party a little hard on Friday night.  Which is my own dumb fault.

Couldn't tell you who I actually fought but it went Lose-Win-Lose and then out.  No pick-ups.
Felt like complete garbage the fights all sucked, and it's only by pure luck I think I won the second.

Next day was a round robin Squire's tourney.  8 erics.  Top 2 on each moved on to a single elimination sweet sixteen.  I came out after the round robin and fought a few pick-ups.  The temperarture really kicked the crap outa me though. 
First few rounds were pretty good.  But by the time I did my fourth set out in the sun I was again just trashed from the heat.

Definetely could have been a better showing.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

September Crown 2011

I leave for September Crown this evening.  Drive should be ok, it's long and will be split up into a couple days.

I haven't fought in about a month. This is for various reasons, none of which are: "I don't feel like it".  Looking forward to suiting up and crushing some people.  Should be a good day of fighting.

This will be another first for me.  My first Crown tourney as a knight.  My first time on the side of the Chivalry.

Goals for this event fighting wise?  Fight honorably, have fun.