Monday, March 7, 2016

Progress: Weekend

I ate too much on Saturday and Sunday.  My average calorie intake was about 2158 (Mon-Sun).

I readjusted my target calories for losing weight and I believe my target is about 2000, so not horrible, but I really do need to clean up my weekends.  Less pizza/ more intelligent pizza buying options.  Or both.

Weekend otherwise was good.  Friday and Saturday were rest days and Sunday was a lifting day: Squats, Bench Press, OHP, Tricep accessory lifts.

I built a simple weight and equipment storage shelf for the garage gym over the weekend and was in general productive. 

General me wise I started learning leather tooling and began working on my new arrows as well.

Also decided I need to do some serious thought about myself and certain behaviors.  In short I wish to be a better person and I wish to have a more positive impact on those around me.

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