Friday, March 4, 2016

Progress Report: Weekdays recap.

This is an end of workweek recap.

Calories have been pretty much right at 1700, which is my current goal.  Some days a little over, some a little under.  Veggie intake remains up.  Social nights have included food, but in general better choices with available daily calories.  Beer intake has been down.  I will probably have 3 this whole week vs the 6 or 7 I would normally have.

The week looked like this:

Mon: 1345
Tue: 1934
Wed: 1617
Thu: 1777
4 day avg: 1668

Sun: Squat, Close grip Bench, Bench, Overhead press.
Mon: Deadlift, Curl, Rows.
Wed: Squat, Close grip Bench, Bench, Overhead press.
Thur: Deadlift, Curl, Rows.

Tue: Archery - New high on our Royal Round
Thur: Fighter practice - one set of passes with Sword and Shield and Two sets with the Zhanmadao.
Friday: Archery - Still to come.

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