Friday, February 3, 2017

Armoured Combat, Rapier and Solomon Kane.

Been a long while since I posted. Not much to report. Not much to say. I haven't fought heavy since before November sometime. I injured my left elbow, and have been in physio since December. I am now at a point that my physio wants me to give heavy a try and ease back into it. So we shall give that a shot. In other news. I fought rapier last night instead. Sitting and watching practice was boring and I could be using my time more productively. Although I have done some training of my guys and a few others it is few and far between and.... did I mention I haven't fought in several months? So this combined with a new interest in RPGs and such I was on a facebook group where someone was discussing the merits or lack there of, of the new gunslinger class. "How do guns fit into high fantasy!?" Followed by, "Have you not read the Dark Tower trilogy" I personally have not read it, but I wanted to contribute a little, and so I went looking.... If you know me, you know I am a fan of Conan, and love the '82 film. As of recent years I have read more and learned more about Robert E Howard, the creator of Conan as well as other heroes. Heroes like......
Solomon Kane. Wikipedia says this, "Howard described him as a tall, sombre and gloomy man of pale skin, gaunt face and cold eyes, all of it shadowed by a slouch hat. He is dressed entirely in black and his weaponry usually consists of a rapier, a dirk, and a brace of flintlock pistols. During one of his later adventures his friend N'Longa, an African shaman, gave him a juju staff that served as a protection against evil but could easily be wielded as a weapon. It is revealed in another story, "The Footfalls Within", that this is the mythical Staff of Solomon, a talisman older than the Earth and unimaginably powerful, much more so than even N'Longa knew. In the same adventure with N'Longa, Kane is seen using a musket as well." Why is this on my fighting/SCA blog? Some days I am tired and I find the SCA to be too serious. I feel burned out just being in a supporting role along the edges. Rapier is something different, maybe it can be fun? Maybe a change is needed? If a change is needed a new persona is probably needed. I had always assumed I would continue with the Mongol theme in some way. Stay on the Eastern edges of Europe.
Solomon Kane is of course a work of fiction and the character is out of SCA period by about 100 years. So how does this help? Kane is a Puritan. That movement does start within the pre-17th century doctrine of the society. So maybe I look to explore a persona from England. 1599. And? In style and combat? Perhaps I let the hand of Howard guide me somewhat? As I continue along this path, if I do, I will try and update the blog. Right now my list looks like. Research: I know nothing about England. A rapier: SK's main weapon A dirk: SK has a dagger as well 2 pistols: He also has a brace of pistols A staff: and a staff....a magic staff..... :D Clothes: Not sure here. His clothing is of course depicted as late 17th century. A hat: He has a signature hat. Will need something similar from Period. A cloak: Also drawn with a cloak.

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