Thursday, April 2, 2015

Practice March 26, 2015

Made it to practice, but I was pretty tired and not feeling it for the most part.  Worked the first 1/3 of my practice with the group doing a bear pit and fighting pretty constantly for most of it, but lacked any real direction.

Next 1/3 I spent filming other people and didn't fight at all.

Final 1/3 I did a few pick-ups against some of the more advanced fighters, thought I did ok considering my get up and go had got up and left.

Feeling a little under the weather this week.  Would like to fight, but might end up just doing slow work today + filming.

Outside of practice I hit the gym a few times as well as a minor bought of pell work.  Thinking of incorporating my pell into a backyard circuit.  Swings (Might require a 20kg bell though), Snatches, Jump rope, mace and pell maybe?

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

On going thoughts about fighting

Haven't been practicing as much as I would like and I also missed out a stellar oppotunity for a lot of good pick-ups at the last war due to slightly excessive partying the night before.

My armor fits horribly as well.  I am in a word, fat.  I need to lose weight and I need to make new armor for Crown as well.

My last entry was February 19th.

February 26th - No real recollection of this practice.  Assume I fought.
March 5th - Excellent practice.  The gym seems like a positive influence (Shocking)
March 12th - Work interfered and I couldn't make it to practice
March 19th - Filmed a little.  Didn't fight.  Lazy.
March 26th - Tomorrow.  Lets do this.

New armor
Clean garage out, set up pel.
Still half considering setting up a bench, but as weather improves I think I will just see about adding what I have to the pel area and seeing if I can actually make time when I am at home to work on me.  Training at home is something I typically have an issue with.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Fight Practice. February 19, 2015

Current goals
  • Working on staying cognisant during the fight.
    • Not a lot of metrics here.
  • Not over fighting - practicing in a non-exhausted state.
    • Get tired?  Stop.  It's practice. 
Fought off and on all night.  Took breaks for the most part when I was very tired and felt like I was slipping from my focus.  Breaks were short allowing a lot of fighting.

Worked mostly on keeping my shield in the right spot and staying cognisant of the fight.  There was a few fights that I was successful not doing that.  There was a few fights where my focus slipped from the overall fight to my offense and I paid for it instantly.

Worked on lowering my center of gravity to help guard my legs a little more near the end of the practice as well.

New goal
  • Fighting from a slightly lower stance.
    • Work on footwork from this position.
    • work on the pell from this position.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Fight Practice. Thursday, Feb 12, 2015

I haven't fought for a little while.  At Christmas I either sprained or fractured my foot, so I was giving it some time to heal.

Over the past month I've slowly headed back into the gym and started lifting and doing stationary cycle work.  Today I got bored on the bike and put twenty minutes in on the treadmill. 

Today I started back to practice as well.  I also started back up a fighting log and I am planning on updating this blog a lot more.

Goals last night were to work on defense, it was the paramount think I wanted to work on.  Secondary was to fight from a lower center of gravity.

In general I did well and kept the shield between me and the opponent.  I kept my attention on their weapon.  I had a few laspses when I was pressing hard, and typically payed the price.

One of the other things I worked on last night was not over working.  When I got tired I took a break.  It yields less fighting.  But it yields more fun and better fighting, and hopefully more productive fighitng.