Friday, February 13, 2015

Fight Practice. Thursday, Feb 12, 2015

I haven't fought for a little while.  At Christmas I either sprained or fractured my foot, so I was giving it some time to heal.

Over the past month I've slowly headed back into the gym and started lifting and doing stationary cycle work.  Today I got bored on the bike and put twenty minutes in on the treadmill. 

Today I started back to practice as well.  I also started back up a fighting log and I am planning on updating this blog a lot more.

Goals last night were to work on defense, it was the paramount think I wanted to work on.  Secondary was to fight from a lower center of gravity.

In general I did well and kept the shield between me and the opponent.  I kept my attention on their weapon.  I had a few laspses when I was pressing hard, and typically payed the price.

One of the other things I worked on last night was not over working.  When I got tired I took a break.  It yields less fighting.  But it yields more fun and better fighting, and hopefully more productive fighitng.

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