Friday, February 20, 2015

Fight Practice. February 19, 2015

Current goals
  • Working on staying cognisant during the fight.
    • Not a lot of metrics here.
  • Not over fighting - practicing in a non-exhausted state.
    • Get tired?  Stop.  It's practice. 
Fought off and on all night.  Took breaks for the most part when I was very tired and felt like I was slipping from my focus.  Breaks were short allowing a lot of fighting.

Worked mostly on keeping my shield in the right spot and staying cognisant of the fight.  There was a few fights that I was successful not doing that.  There was a few fights where my focus slipped from the overall fight to my offense and I paid for it instantly.

Worked on lowering my center of gravity to help guard my legs a little more near the end of the practice as well.

New goal
  • Fighting from a slightly lower stance.
    • Work on footwork from this position.
    • work on the pell from this position.

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