Thursday, April 2, 2015

Practice March 26, 2015

Made it to practice, but I was pretty tired and not feeling it for the most part.  Worked the first 1/3 of my practice with the group doing a bear pit and fighting pretty constantly for most of it, but lacked any real direction.

Next 1/3 I spent filming other people and didn't fight at all.

Final 1/3 I did a few pick-ups against some of the more advanced fighters, thought I did ok considering my get up and go had got up and left.

Feeling a little under the weather this week.  Would like to fight, but might end up just doing slow work today + filming.

Outside of practice I hit the gym a few times as well as a minor bought of pell work.  Thinking of incorporating my pell into a backyard circuit.  Swings (Might require a 20kg bell though), Snatches, Jump rope, mace and pell maybe?

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