Monday, February 29, 2016

Martial Pursuits.

I often complain about people who do not take the fighting aspect of what we do seriously enough.  They can't consistently make practice and they don't make it a priority.  They want to be better, but they do not but in the requisite work.

I do the same thing as this when it comes to my life.  I see myself a certain way, a way that I am often far short of, but I do not do what is required to move in the proper direction.  I want to be in better shape, I want to be more creative and I want to be better in my martial pursuits.

I've been in the SCA since I was 18 years old and I started fighting at 19.

I've taken some breaks here and there, the largest being for school, which was close to 2 years.  Other than that, the majority of the time I have fought between 1 - 2 times a week.

These the Barony hosts a single heavy practice a week, which I make a priority to attend even if I am not fighting.  Last year I took up archery and began target shooting.  I shoot twice a week.  Right now I am shooting or fighting three nights a week.

Unfortunately besides that I have had little physical activity and eat far too much.  These things negatively affect my mental head space and cause a downward spiral.

I see myself as strong, as someone who has been Knighted and as someone who has been Prince.  I know in the past I have physically and largely emotionally turned my life around.  There are days I may look down on myself, but these are typically the result of letting myself down.

Best way to tackle the current life is to identify some of the causes.
  • Not enough exercise
  • Too much food
  • Not enough sleep
Not Enough Exercise
I used to lift fairly regularly.  I do not now.  Going to the gym for 5:30am is too much and I am not very good at it.  I know when I do manage to do it, it makes a physical difference in how I feel.
Solution: Picked up a 300# Olympic set, bench and power rack.  I set them up in the garage so I can workout when it is convenient for me.
Measureable goals:  Lift weights at least 3x a week

Too Much Food
I eat out far too much.  Too many onion rings, too many cheeseburgers.  I do it more often than I would like to admit, and this is compounded by the crap eating I often do at work.  COMBINE all of this with socializing after training and I am consuming even more calories.
Solution: I can fix a lot by eating well during the day and include more vegetables.  Today started with 2 eggs and turkey sausage for breakfast, Oatmeal for a snack, a frozen lunch and sausage and cheese for an afternoon snack.  Total Calories for that is about 830.  I also have about a cup of chopped misc. vegetables to eat.  I will leave work easily under 1000 calories.  Leaving me approximately 1000 calories for dinner and such.
Another thing I mentioned was socializing, which includes pub food and beer.
Solution: Drink beer less often, opt for diet pop.  Eat pub food less often.
Measurable goals:  Remove beer from one of the social nights, remove food from one of the social nights.

Not Enough Sleep
I struggle with sleep as well.  Stay up late, get up too early.
Solution: I need to be up by 6, so in bed by 10 is ideal for eight hours.  Ideally I will be up more like 5:30, which will still give me 7 1/2 hours of sleep.  The latest I should be hitting the sack is 10:30, giving me 7 hours of sleep for my 5:30am wakeup.
Measurable goals:
Get at least 7 hours of sleep a night.

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