Thursday, July 28, 2011

Quad WAR! Pre war post

Another year has gone.  Today I leave to go out to the quad war site for a weekend of good friends and good times.

Every year the Principality of Avacal holds a decent sized war, our largest event.  We camp typically from the Thursday or Friday till Monday.  Classes, rapier, war, tournaments, parties,courts and friends.

Last year the principality rolled our Investiture into the event so no we fight the war on Saturday and on Sunday we invest the new Prince and Princess as well as hold our Champions Tournament.

I always look forward to the war, but this year the world has given me too much stress over the past little while, a weekend to fight and drink sounds like JUST what the doctor ordered.  I can not wait to get there.

Also this is the first Quad I will attend as a knight, so that should make for some good times on and off the field.  I am 100% stoked for it this year.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Baroness's Picnic

Once a year the local group gets together and has a little "event" at a local park.  The aim is to get the group out into people's vision and as well give everyone a nice low key afternoon.

This year we had a lovely day.  We did some heavy fighting, some rapier and some dance.

As the aim of this blog is about fighting, I guess I will talk about that.

In total we have seven fighters out including myself.  The majority of fighters often lay some stick on me so it could have been anyone's day.  In order to prolong the tourney we decided upon a round robin with each round being decided as best two out of three.

I was on fire, I was barely touched the whole day, most of what did had next to no force, was on my leg or resulted in a double kill.  I went through the tourney clean.  The last round happened to be against the other fighter who had gone through with only one loss, my opponent in the finals.

In the finals I won the first bout decisevly, lost the second one just as decisevly, but took the third in a mess of swords and and shots.

It was a good day.  The important thing was range, I pretty much didn't close unless I wanted to, and then it was for a definite plan, which resulted in me getting back out as quickly as I could.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Practice: July 14, 2011

Practice was fairly low key last night.  I do however think we are coming to some issues, more on that at the end of the post.

Practice was pretty typical
Slow work: I spend more time talking and working things out than actually doing basic slow work
1st blood line drill: 8 people took a bit but we got through it.
Skills: Ranging drill
Free fighting.

The ranging drill seemed to go over ok.  A little over thinking and people wanting to win at it.

Everyone participated in the slow work.  They all participated in the 1st blood.  Everyone did skills.  Free fighting came along and here is the issue, we just didn't have that many people out on the field.  Couple guys here and there at a time.

It's almost like we need the sparring segment to be structured as well.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Drill thoughts.

Range & infighting.

In fighting: Leg wrap.
Range: Active Passive
  • Basic approach and stop when in range
    • Active moves close
    • Passive calls stop and checks range to leg
  • 10 step
    • Active moves in any direction
    • passive moves in any direction
    • Call out step 1. pause Call out step 2 etc
    • Passive can call stop when in range and check leg shot.
  • Deceptive movement

Monday, July 11, 2011

Dragonslayer 2011

This past weekend Montengarde held it's Dragonslayer tourney to choose a new champion.  Last year I was victorious in the lists and so this year I organized the lists.

We held a double elimination tournament and had 11 local fighters vying to be champions and a total of 18 fighters competing, with 1 bye fighter.

I opened the tournament with a short speech about fighting in the lists.  It was well recieved with compliments from a few people including, "It made me want to fight"

In the end the prize tournament saw HE Sir Wernar victorious over HE Kirk Einarsson.
In the Dragonslayer tournament a relatively new face to our lands, Amish was victorious over Kathryn.

All in all it was a pretty fun event.  I got to hang out with some of my favorite people.  Fought a little bit as well.

The old and rew regalia was handed off to Amish who stood in court guarding their Excellencies with his Lady.

Free of duties I hung out with my lady a little and then made my way through the crowd chatting with people.  After court Balinor appeared, having tracked me down to a time when there was still light and nothing for me to do.  He has been wanting to teach me to shoot, and I have wanted to learn, but time has been an issue.  But with a little free time, I went and got my bow and arrows and came and met him on the range.

We string the horse bow and went through some shooting talk.  I watched him, I shot.  Overall fired off ~ 55 arrows.  I had ok grouping for the most part but I was usually a little high.  All in all the bow seemed to work well, and I enjoyed being out there shooting it. 

After that was done, drinking started.  Was a good night around a few fires with friends new and old a like.