Thursday, May 19, 2011

Few days

Found a few new videos Sir Raoukinn had posted that I had not seen before. HE Sir Sagan teaching a body and sword motion class and a practice vs training class.  Watched that over the course of the week.

I have for the most part avoided pell work, giving my elbow as much rest and rehab as I can before An Tir Crown this weekend.

The Ceremony is one month away.  Some projects are progressing.  Some have yet to be started.  I only made a few additions to the ceremony to "Mongolize" it.  In general it's a pretty foreign concept, the ideas of king and oaths are not, so I can work from that side of things.

Made a few modifications to the armor prior to Crown.
Gorget:  I believe the front flap on the gorget should stay down now.  Took two darts out of it adding some shape to the leather
Arms: Riveted the upper light leather to the elbow cop at each edge, hopefully presenting a more unified defense.
Legs: Pointed the windrose knees to a set of knee pads.  got a set of shorts I can wear under a set of cuisses, allowing the knee pads to sit against my skin and remain in position.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Practice: May 12, 2011

Didn't armor up today as I wasn't feeling 100% after being down and out the day before.  Still came to practice and did a little slow work warm-up.  We did a new slow work form that Kathryn picked up from somewhere which involved mirroring your opponents moves.

I paired with a new guy, which was cool.  Always happy to help with a perspective new fighter, but I found our attitudes interesting and pretty much completely opposed in some ways.  Although we were both having fun and smiling, it was clear I was much more serious about the drill, not calling it better or worse, just different.  This is all about having fun.

Once we did that, we have a dicussion/class on field ettiquette for the new fighters that I thought was pretty good.  The heavies then went on to spar a little and do some line drill stuff.

With the encouragements of one of the apprentices I took our new fighter aside and did some slow work on the flat snap with him.  In general his snap came fairly easily, especially considering this was his first time with a sword, although he had mentioned some martial arts background.

Teaching and analysis has always been my biggest weakness.  I haven't excelled at it and I haven't pursused that excellence.  This will most likely change as I move into my new role as a member of the Chivalry of An Tir.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Practice: May 05, 2011

Pratice consisted of:
Slow work
First blood
Drill work
Bear pit.

It was ok.  I had a good time, thought some things through.  I had an idea about it in my head watching one of the fights.  It has been rattling around in there for a bit and now it comes out as the following.

I have an excellent range advantage against some people.  Some people haven't figured that out.  Some have.  Which isn't what this is about exactly.  More I need to recognize when I am getting closed on.  My long range abilities combined with how I fight, means I am not as effective toe to toe.  It is not my forte.

I never shy away from it though.  I will wade in, and do ok.  I will get locked up and feel in control, feel like I can counterpunch if they throw.  Feel like my speed will save me.  The fallacy of this was shown to me again at the tournament in Bitter end.  I was fighting my knight.  We got ties up.  We stood toe to toe, shields on shield, swords up high in guard.  Looking straight into each other's eyes, waiting for the move.

Albrecht moved first.  I reacted, after he wrapped me in the head and the ass.  Two shots he got off before I moved.  He solidly defeated me.  I had no chance to counter punch.

No. I am most effective at mid and long range.  At long range I can throw and be fairly safe if they don't move, simply because I will outrange them.  My sword is usually 3 inches into their head at my maximum range, when they are JUST touching my face at their maximum range.  This is not my issue.  I have a decent flat snap I use to decent effect at this range.

Medium range is my issue.  I have the most power here I think.  The most room to maneuver.  The ability to have them at their long range while I can throw medium.  I have trouble KEEPING this range.  Especially if I am throwing a series of blows.  I often advance faster than they retreat and end up toe to toe.

I need to work on keeping that range and utilizing it more to my advantage.  I still think about lateral movement when I use it when throwing combinations.  I would like to just throw and not worry about if I stepped.

Monday, May 2, 2011


Back from Silver Arrow.

The tournament was run as a Valhalla tournament.  For those unfamiliar with it it is a test of skill and endurance.  You make take your helmet off and leave the eric anytime you wish, but when you do, you are out of the tourney.

Fighters circle up.
Fighters engage someone in the circle, but not the person to their left or right.
Upon losing you stand on the side lines and wait.
When the person who eliminated you is struck down, you are again allowed to come back in and fight.
To win you must engage and defeat each fighter in the eric without losing.

These can sometimes go incredibly fast.  Usually they are a test of endurance as well.  I believe 15+ started the list and there was aproximately 5 left at the end.

Part way through my knight attempted to end it.  Went through everyone, and was defeated by the last man alive.  Sadly he is not in the physical condition he once was and this attempt removed him.

In the end I was victorious, but it was a long hard fought day, and I am not 100% sure it did my arm any favors.    I have a small bruise my the point of my elbow and it is interfering with what is serious pain and what is just minor.

The tournament was fun and everyone was in great spirits.  The rain held off and although it was windy and cold when not fighting, I didn't really notice it once my helmet was on.

A good day.