Thursday, October 20, 2011

Oct 20, 2011. Pre-Practice

Practice tonight.

From last practice: 
  • Still need to work on the shield.  Top point up and bottom point out. 
  • In combination with this, a lower stance generally blocking with body movements instead of shield
  • Continue to work on the sword at shoulder, ready to fire.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Oct 17 post practice

Decent success with the shield.  Kept it in ok position.  Had a thought fighting varrus that my point was not on the easy, right before he clobbered me.

Got tagged a few too many times in the leg.  Back of the leg.

To work on: shield work still. Paying attention to their offense, lose what they are doing equals death.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Oct 17, 2011. pre-practice.

Practice tonight.  Last week highlighted certain shield issues. Flattening, point not staying up, over compensation.

Tonight, work on point up, fist at eye level.  Crouch to block legs.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Practice, October 14, 2011

Got to practice late last night.  Had to sign some paperwork.  That combined with a lousy sleep on wednesday left me with a lack luster practice. 

Had some ok passes with some of the guys including our newest member, who has come a long way in the past year.  From a kid who was unsure, and tentative throwing to a kid on the way to becoming a fighter who is throwing with decent force.  He also incorporates lateral movement.

I got some video of most of my passes.  Watched some of out there.  Observed the same issue as I saw in photos.  Shield starts ok, but quickly flattens out along the top.  Also noted it tends to move too high.  Just lousy positioning in general.  Need to get that under control.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Myrgan Wood Anniversary

Tournament was fought as a round robin.  I have seen no video from it, but a couple of photos have come around.

In these photos my shield is still tucked pretty close to my body.  This shot illustrates my shield tucking in as I attempt a thrust to the face.  I am relatively safe, due to range, but I would still rather see my shield in a more defensive location.
In another fight my brain VERY definitevely left the fight in favor of trying to stab my opponent.  I went from fighting to concentraing on a hole, which mean my defense suffered greatly and I died.

I was also jumped at one point in time and simply over whelmed.  I should have disengaged but instead I went for a kill that required MUCH faster reaction time than I had.  Perhaps a downside to the A-frame style.

Otherwise my day was ok.  Lost to Toryn and to Albrecht.  Defeated Shaver. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

*$ Squire notes

1475-1500 Italian
Perhaps Morion helmet?

Splinted arm defenses:
Splinted Leg defense:



Fighter forum for females

Read Peter Ralston, Cheng Hsin, subtitled something like the Principles of Effortless Power -- he is a martial artist, but lots in the book translates to SCA stick fighting -- this book totally changed the way I generate power.