Thursday, September 5, 2013

An Tir Crown Tourney. Sept 2013

I fought in our Crown Tourney this past weekend.  After such a large tourney it is a good time to reevaluate.

It was a standard double elimination and I was out in 4.  My last fight was against one of the finalists and I was able to watch the video.  He fought well.  My first fight was my other loss.

Round 1.  This has traditionally been an issue for me.  I have trouble getting up.  Getting started.  Warm-ups done before processional count for nothing as they occur a long time before the fight.  The guy I am fighting is almost always someone I don't know.  Sometimes it is a decent fight and I lose, sometimes I just lose.  End result is I lose.  This is something I need to address.  I need to get past this first round.  Bring my game.  Do my job.

Round 4. Although I was out fought I feel I could have brought a better fight.  I knew we were at range, but I am unsure I knew just HOW much we were at range.  Hitting him where we were would have been nearly impossible.  Instead of being patient I moved into a closer range to try and land a more dangerous shot.  I lost for this.

Take home lessons

1) Fight your fight
2) Patience, fight at the range you want.