Friday, July 26, 2013


Had a good practice last night.  We had one other knight out and a few long time players. 

During one of my sets with the other knight I was working on a tight leg wrap.  I would throw it and be pummeled.  I was on the tired end of the spectrum but it was ridiculous.  Close.  Low wrap. Pummel. 

I became aware that I was throwing that wrap, but I was looking at it.  seeing how it traveled, watching it hit his shield.  When I knew this I could correct it.

My last fight in the set was so much better.  Close, low wrap, low wrap.  I was able to stay in.  Stay aware of my opponent and finally land the shot.  Then while in range I let myself relax a little, look for an opening, become less aware.  I got popped in the face for it.

For this awareness has two components.
1) Be aware of what you are doing.  What is working, what isn't, how can I change that.
2) Being aware of my opponent.  watching what they are doing.  Keeping my defense in the game.

If #2 lapses I lose.  If #2 happens I can less effectively work on shots.

If #1 happens practice just becomes a big non directed sparring session.