Monday, May 20, 2013

An Tir Crown, May 2013

Final showing: fourth round in a double elimination tourney with 94 entrants.

Fought decently enough.  Although I think a smarter approach to my fight might have avoided at least one loss.
Warm up fights were good against Erik, Martin and Arminius.

Pressed the attack strongly in the first fight against a smaller opponent.  We closed to short range and I got caught.  Will use some defensive work and range holding drills and exercises.

Another problem is recognizing what I am fighting against.   Need to work a pre tourney check on my opponent.  Shield type, handedness.

Second loss involved a decent fight that ended when I tried to throw an opening pendulum.  Need to stick to bread and butter and fight.  No stopping to see how the shot landed.

Pell work
2 second drill
Frozen man

Friday, May 3, 2013

Test post

Testing posting blog enteries on small tablet.

In general, this tablet was largely purchased as a way to film and review fights at practice.