Thursday, September 5, 2013

An Tir Crown Tourney. Sept 2013

I fought in our Crown Tourney this past weekend.  After such a large tourney it is a good time to reevaluate.

It was a standard double elimination and I was out in 4.  My last fight was against one of the finalists and I was able to watch the video.  He fought well.  My first fight was my other loss.

Round 1.  This has traditionally been an issue for me.  I have trouble getting up.  Getting started.  Warm-ups done before processional count for nothing as they occur a long time before the fight.  The guy I am fighting is almost always someone I don't know.  Sometimes it is a decent fight and I lose, sometimes I just lose.  End result is I lose.  This is something I need to address.  I need to get past this first round.  Bring my game.  Do my job.

Round 4. Although I was out fought I feel I could have brought a better fight.  I knew we were at range, but I am unsure I knew just HOW much we were at range.  Hitting him where we were would have been nearly impossible.  Instead of being patient I moved into a closer range to try and land a more dangerous shot.  I lost for this.

Take home lessons

1) Fight your fight
2) Patience, fight at the range you want.

Friday, July 26, 2013


Had a good practice last night.  We had one other knight out and a few long time players. 

During one of my sets with the other knight I was working on a tight leg wrap.  I would throw it and be pummeled.  I was on the tired end of the spectrum but it was ridiculous.  Close.  Low wrap. Pummel. 

I became aware that I was throwing that wrap, but I was looking at it.  seeing how it traveled, watching it hit his shield.  When I knew this I could correct it.

My last fight in the set was so much better.  Close, low wrap, low wrap.  I was able to stay in.  Stay aware of my opponent and finally land the shot.  Then while in range I let myself relax a little, look for an opening, become less aware.  I got popped in the face for it.

For this awareness has two components.
1) Be aware of what you are doing.  What is working, what isn't, how can I change that.
2) Being aware of my opponent.  watching what they are doing.  Keeping my defense in the game.

If #2 lapses I lose.  If #2 happens I can less effectively work on shots.

If #1 happens practice just becomes a big non directed sparring session.

Monday, May 20, 2013

An Tir Crown, May 2013

Final showing: fourth round in a double elimination tourney with 94 entrants.

Fought decently enough.  Although I think a smarter approach to my fight might have avoided at least one loss.
Warm up fights were good against Erik, Martin and Arminius.

Pressed the attack strongly in the first fight against a smaller opponent.  We closed to short range and I got caught.  Will use some defensive work and range holding drills and exercises.

Another problem is recognizing what I am fighting against.   Need to work a pre tourney check on my opponent.  Shield type, handedness.

Second loss involved a decent fight that ended when I tried to throw an opening pendulum.  Need to stick to bread and butter and fight.  No stopping to see how the shot landed.

Pell work
2 second drill
Frozen man

Friday, May 3, 2013

Test post

Testing posting blog enteries on small tablet.

In general, this tablet was largely purchased as a way to film and review fights at practice.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

100 blows. 100 days: Finished

I set out to complete the century drill.  I survived it.  I used it to work on some new shot techniques at the end. 

Basically the first bit was getting it done.  Coming up with ways to comlete 100 shots without becoming bored with it. 

Then I moved on to more flow and flourish work, constantly working with 1-6 drills and 100 slow-medium flow strikes.

The end was working on throwing the basic Oplomachia shots, warm-ups and some left handed work as well.  I recorded some of this, and have meant to do more but haven't.

All in all it was a worthy endeavour, and one I am happy to say I did.  I am still out on the pell working most days, but no longer every single day.