Tuesday, November 13, 2012

100 strikes, 100 Days

Eques Vilius Antonii contacted me among others and suggested we all start a 100 pell strikes for 100 days routine.  After deciding I could do pell work in my garage (single car garage, space is tight) I agreed.  I started getting into it the previous week and did 100 strikes on a couple different days, working through the 1-6 drill and then doing some repetitive form work at the end.

We started officially on Monday, Novemeber 12.  Did my 100+ swings, again working through 1-6 and then doing a few extras at the end.

Had a small tournament in our Barony a little while ago. I did ok, but am really not super happy with the results.  It was a round robin.  I won victories against the newer people, but anyone that was even a little bit of a challenege I hit a wall on and nothing would come together.

Still like the new sword though, it's pretty awesome.