Thursday, February 2, 2012

February 2nd, 2012

Back to practice tonight!

Almost need a new sword.  Made the last one at the end of November.  Got a solid 2 months out of it, but it is starting to fray pretty badly now. 

Took me a little while to get around to decompressing last practice.  Had pretty good success with a 2 shot combo:  Head, leg.  Never been my strongest shot, but probably cause I don't throw it very much.  I will continue to work it into my routine.  I watched some of our very high echelon fighters throw it with fire.  The other aspect from last practice was to throw a shot into my opponents sword while closing to throw a deep wrap. 

Yes staying at range and defensive, and timing shots is certainly my strong suit, I should still be able to jump in and unload a salvo and jump out with a fair degree of certainty that I won't die.

Had an excellent degree of success against a left hander by faking up to their top shield side and then throwing a leg blow against their sword side.

Tonight working on more of the same thing. 
  • Patience:  Range/timing
  • Holding defense while attacking (Especially on wraps)
  • Head to leg, same side throw.