Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Quad War 2011

Back from a sucessful event.  My first war as a knight, my first important tournament as a knight.

Arrived on site on Thursday evening.  I had picked up a new dome tent to prevent the stress of setting up the monstrosity, but when I attempted to set up the new tent I discovered the tent as purchased new out of thebox had a design flaw and was impossible to set-up.  This caused me great stress, but I got over it, throught my stuff in Albrecht's tent since he wasn't arriving till Friday.

Some friends were planning on going in to town on Friday morning so I solved the problem by simply buying a new tent.  Which was set-up no problem.

Thursday night brought a round of drinking and hanging out with friends, and the first of many nights with out enough sleep.  Most people crashed early but on my final round through the campsite I noted the bardic fire was still going pretty strong so I hung out there for the remainder of the evening.

Friday brought a trip into town to get the new tent.  Followed by a short lived but impressive storm, which had decided to hit right in the middle of dinner and setting up Albrecht's sun shade.  Once the storm passed we finished setting everything up, and got to drinking some rum. 

With not enough sleep we awoke on saturday and made ready for war.  Four of us fought more or less together, but in a loose organization, which sometimes ended with us far flung across the field.  No longer a squire meant I was not tied to Albrecht had had more freedom to find my own fame on the fields of battle.

The first field battle was lack luster, I believe I survived but didn't really do a huge amount.  The second field battle was fought uphill for our side. The right part of our army had been stopped by a small unit and the heavy champion for Avacal.  I briefly considered avoiding him and leaving him for others.  Then this little voice said it's your job if anyone should face him in this line it should be you.  knight vs. knight.  So I pushed forward and engaged him.  I didn't kill him, but I tied him up long enough for a spear in our line to end his life.  Free from the menace of Einar I flanked up the right side of their force alone.  I approached an archer but saw a small unit off to the archer's right.  I decided leaving them behind me would be a bad idea. 

I wheeled and slammed into them.  The first sheild man fell to the initial onslaught and I moved for the pole weapon.  I saw a the haft being raised against me as he brought his weapon to bear.  My sword fell on the haft like an avenging demon knocking it out of the way before I ended his life as well.  I moved forward and engaged the third man in the unit.  My sword struck forward just as a spear from another part of their army ended my life.  It seems a spearman had noticed my ramage and had decided if he didn't do something I probably wasn't going to stop anytime soon.

After this we moved into the castle and fought some scenarios.  Our unit had been moved from the Tanists side to the Highnesses side.  So now I fought with the heavy champion.  The first battle was mostly boring until we finally pushed into the castle.  Einar had a unit at the sallyport waiting to charge.  Bored at the front of the castle I moved to the side and waited for him to call it.  Finally he called the charge.  Einar was 2nd or third man in calling go go go.  A unit followed after him.  I followed after them saying the same, "GO GO GO.  Don't stop in the door!  PUSH!"  Finally I rolled in and immediately turn to my left and engage one of their guys.  I attack hard pushing him pack.  Blow after blow he moves back, finally he falls and with no pause in my attacks yields to my blade.  I died shortly afterwards and watched the remainder of our forces crush them between our gate assault and our sallyport assault.

Finally we fought to defend the castle.  Albrecht and Fenric on one side of the door, Shaverson and myself on the other.  Albrecht hopes they charge so he can pin them on the wall next to Shaverson and myself where we will crsuh them.  Sadly they never charge.

A spear moves to the side and starts harassing our side of the door.  We stand there, we call him names, tell him he needs to be closer, we laugh.  unseen from the spearman, Fenrik steps up from his side and drops a wrap around the side of the castle wall dropping the spearman.  Sir Wernar replaces him also with a spear and starts harassing us again.  Again we laugh and mock.  Finally I call in an archer to end Wernar, but Wernar disappears.  May not have killed him with the arrow but we certainly neutralized him.

In the back Einar has sallied out with a group and started the killing outside the walls.  Bored at the front I leave the castle and survey the land.  I see Wernar across the field with his pike.  I smile and charge telling him he is a dead man, and then I realize he has also lost an arm.  Easy pickings.  I chase him back against the castle wall and raise my sword to finish him just as an arrow hits him in the head, robbing me.  I watch him fall.  I look at him.  I stab him in the face and move on.

Two warriors stand against me now.  I engage them.  One of them peels off and it is a one on one.  I end the first man and look up to see the second waiting for me.  They had apparently given me single combat.  Not their smartest decision that day, but it was certainly their last.

All in all.  The war was good fun, I probably racked up as many kills with sword and shield as I ever had before.  It was a good first war.

We fought pick-ups and then showered and got ready for court.

We watched Aiden and Isabella step down and Toryn and Evja step up.  In the past couple of years I have spent more time with this family and have grown to call them more than acquaintances.  I was very happy at Coronet when Toryn was victorious inspired by his lovely wife.  Toryn had been prince before but not inspired by Evja.

I have never been moved to tears playing this game, but seeing Evja place the crown on Toryn, claiming their right as our prince and princess was as close to it as I have been.  Their first court was short, but one of the first orders of business was to invest Evja's Guard.  Two were supposed to go up, but only one was ready.

Earlier in the event Evja had honored me with the request of being on her guard which I easily and happily accepted.

I approached the throne and knelt before my Princess and swore to defend her and support her.  She swore her oath to me and I took my place in court. 

I have been asked to be on retinue before and sometimes I have done it, sometimes not, unable to swear fealty due to my oath to my Knight.  Now that I no longer have that oath I am free to say yes.  It is awesome to be able to swear this oath for the first time to this couple.

Also of special note during this court by squire brother Eric Shaverson was called up and given a gilden griffon.  An award for service to the principality.  Eric has not recieved many awards and in terms of service often flys under the radar.  As a nurse on the field of battle he is always there to help someone who falls, always willing to lend a hand.  It was awesome to see it recognized.

Then Drinking.  Lots of it.  The grotto party was pretty fun.  I drank.  I flirted.  I generally hung out and made an ass out of myself I am sure. 

Sunday.  Avacal Heavy Champions Tournament.
Chivalry in the lists: Albrecht, Wernar, Gunther and myself.  I fought the first few rounds clean, they included a one shot on a fighter that gives me trouble and a victory over Sir Wernar.  Albrecht was my second to last fight.  It was intense, but in the end he took my leg and I couldn't land anything solid on his head.  He finally put on on my helmet after tipping two or three off.  The next round I got was a bye fight.  Then there was three of us left.  Sir Wernar, Sir Albrecht and myself.  Having just recieved the bye they paired Wernar and myself up again.  We engaged and fought and after a time I lost my arm.  Wernar gave me even points.  I fought with my left.  We engaged.  I blocked and struck at his head.  my blow landed just as another of his took me in the belly.  We both fell.  We lined up again and fought one more time.  The fight was close, touching each other but nothing solid.  Finally I jumped in and struck his leg.  He went to his knees.  I engaged and found myself kneeling against him after he struck me.  After a hard fought round I thrust and only managed to land against his leg.  Following up I through a wrap to his body, but it landed low and his blade found my head ending my chances.  The head shot on me hurt a lot less than the wrap on him though.   So ended my chances to be Heavy champion. 

So in the last three important tournaments I had ended in the semis being defeated by the two who would vie for the victory.  I thanked my inspiration and then apologized to the Princess for not managed to win.  She said I had done well and was impressed.  I told her that she should be pretty safe with me as a guard.

Sunday night brought another round of drinking.  I spent a good portion with the Vikings, drinking and watching them get stupid. 

Part way through the night clouds formed on the horizon.  The wind began to pick up and lightning began to form.  The wind continued to get worse and the lighting lit the sky as if it was day.  Tornado warnings were heard throughout camp.

I went prayed to the sky god.  The winds got worse, tents came down.  The first drop of rain was felt.  It was not small.  It looked bad.  Then as swiftly as it started the storm passed.  We had just caught the edge of it.

Monday brought packing and a long tiring drive home.